Chapter 4: The New Boy

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TJ was just finishing practice when his math teacher walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. TJ spun around, thinking it was Cyrus, and his face fell slightly when he found that it wasn't.

"TJ, I'd like to see you for a minute," his teacher said, and TJ nodded, following the man out of the room. They sat down in his office and faced each other.

"I'm very impressed with your improvement in math class. It seems to me that Buffy is a great tutor." he explained. "But I must also acknowledge that you've been a great student."

TJ sat up straighter with a grin on his face. He thought about how proud Cyrus would be when he told him.

You've progressed in more aspects than just math, though. Your work ethic is a better, and so is your attitude." the older man smiled. "Which is why I think you would be the perfect candidate to introduce our new student to this school."

"A new student? Cool. Want me to give a tour around the school, or...?"

"Actually, you're on the right track. But I don't just want you to show him around. I think it would be fitting that you stayed with him throughout the day. He's in all of your classes, so you won't be missing anything. It will help him get the idea of your teachers, what the schedule is like, things like that. I'm sure you'll do great."

TJ stood up. "Nice, I'd be happy to do that. Is coming tomorrow?"

"He is, so be ready," his teacher smiled and patted him on the back.

When TJ got back to the gym, he spotted Cyrus sleeping on the bleachers. Chuckling to himself, he shook his head, and headed over to wake up his friend. But when he arrived, he stopped and sat beside Cyrus, just looking at him, admiring his cute boyish features. He brushed Cyrus' fringe off of his forehead, his eyes finding their way to his cheeks, lips, and his long eyelashes that fluttered every now nd then as he slept.

TJ swallowed, and he felt his chest tighten. This boy he spent time with every day, who he took to the water park to face his fears, who he'd helped stand up in front of everyone and take the last chocolate chocolate chip muffin, meant so much to him. Sometimes, he thought, even more than just a friend would mean to him. But TJ pushed that thought away, because Cyrus was a boy. And TJ Kippen did not like boys.

A couple of kids on the basketball team ran past and one shouted, "Hey, Teej, is that your boyfriend?", causing the others to laugh. TJ quickly pulled his hand away as they ran off. He then looked back at Cyrus. He was still asleep despite the yelling, and TJ could see his chest rising and falling under his soft black sweater. His teammate's words echoed in his head, and he blocked them out by reminding himself of something very important with one thought:

TJ Kippen does not like boys.


Cyrus woke up to see TJ working on math homework on the bleachers beside him. He didn't say anything at first, and instead let himself drink in how beautiful TJ looked when he was concentrating. His lips were slightly pursed, his eyebrows furrowed, and his hair appeared as if he had been running his fingers through it in frustration.

"Need any help?" Cyrus spoke, causing TJ to jump in surprise, nearly dropping his notebook.

"No, I'm just doing some questions with polynomials. I think I'm starting to finally get the hang of it."

Cyrus smiled. "That's nice," he murmured, and TJ's head snapped up as if he'd just remembered something.

"Speaking of nice, I have good news," TJ began, facing Cyrus. "My teacher asked me to show a new student around the school tomorrow. He's in all of my classes. He also said it's because I'm improving as a student and that I'd be the perfect person to do it." TJ recalled, shamelessly awaiting Cyrus' praise.

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