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"What is this supposed to mean??" I asked the demon dog as he stood on my porch

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"What is this supposed to mean??" I asked the demon dog as he stood on my porch. He pushed his way past me and used one of his noses to push the power button on my television. The news came on with a urgent report.


I now understood why Cerberus was here with a note like that.

See when i was 16 i got diagnosed with a rare disease call Ultranium Voilotice Raymous......My body was so low on vitamin D that i basically needed the sun to live. Pills only helped so much but even then i was throwing up and always feeling weak.

Each time i went out into the sun however i felt better and better. I dont know who set it up but ever since then Ive had dogs come to my home and beg me to walk them. It was nice cause it meant I got sun light everyday. Today was the first day i had to worry about being outside.

"Okay then, should we go??" I asked the 3 heads not sure which to look at. He had me grab onto his collar and sit on his back as he took off out the door.

He made sure to stay in the sunlight as he took me to a place that was very heavily fenced off. There were others there and Cerberus seemed to acknowledge all them. He lead me to a building in the middle. As soon as we got inside he transformed into a human and started talking to me.

"You must be very confused. See magic has been around forever. Hence why im now human. Im taking you to see Hades, God of the Underworld. He sent the undead to destroy the human race except for a select few. A lot of people believe the end of the world is going to be when Jesus returns but he's up in heaven trying to keep the angels in order.

Hades is going to make you and the few others here into immortals because of the rare diseases you have all been fighting. He wants to make you kids his leaders that control all of the undead. And in return he makes sure that you never suffer a day in your life again

"Okay" I told him following him. I didnt want to be sick anymore and everything was so new and crazy that I had to believe Cerberus.

I guess we'll see what this Hades really had to offer me.

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