Something Better

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For J's 19th birthday

Your POV
*flashback to April 2016*
My boyfriend of a year Brendan had called me up earlier today and said he wanted to show me something. He seemed kinda nervous and excited so i was a bit curious and also worried about what he wanted to do. I know our relationship has been on edge lately but i know we still love each other so i didnt think too much into it.

I met him at a small and quiet cafe a few minutes down the road. But i didnt expect what happened next. When i got there he was in a neutral mood. He didnt look happy but he wasnt pissed or upset either. I sat down across from him a bit worried and that was when he broke the news.

He was breaking up with me. He didnt want to be "tied down to some tiny, fat, annoying, mental girl" It broke my heart hearing that much caring as much as i did i just hung my head and said bye to him as he stood up and walked out the door. For a whole year he treated me like i was the best thing to ever happen and now i was being tossed like garbage.

I tried not to let it bother me but i looked on my twitter afterwards and seen a bunch of notifications. Mostly in reply to a tweet Brendan just made i guess

*Brendan_m96: finally more being tied down.*

And in came the replies saying good riddance and all the hate saying i was no good for Bren and i was just a bitch. It really got to me so i just put my phone away and walked home where i started crying and didnt stop for a few days.
*Fast Forward to Dec 2016*
I had no friends left, my family was fighting a lot. I walked the city streets by myself in hopes to clear my head. Ever since Brendan broke up with me ive been getting lots of hate from his fans who still support his band even now when they broke up.

Its almost like they blame that on me too. I just hated on myself constantly, and i didnt know what to do. I got lost in thought remembering everything i had to deal with these last months by myself. Was so in the moment i didnt notice a guy walking towards me not paying attention either and we ran into each other.

"im so sorry" He told me when he looked up from his phone. He had sorta light brown hair and a button nose you just want to boop. He had the brightest blue eyes i ever seen which shined brighter then the stars even at night. Wearing a grey tight tshirt which showed off arm muscles beyond belief. I had fallen to the ground and he reached his hand out to me to help me up, his muscles flexing and making me want to touch them. I politely took it just wanting to get away but as i walked away he grabbed my arm and turned me back around to face him.

"what is your name beautiful?" he asked me.

"ummmm Jordan, why?" I replied.

"Im Nathan, Nathan Lambert" He answered and walked away leaving me a bit weirded out.
*Present Day March 2017*
It was the morning of my birthday. That guy Nathan i ran into about four months back....well i seen him at a local animal shelter after uni one day and he said hi. He was really nice and apologized again for bumping into me that day.

I found out he was also in a band but they were much smaller scale. He asked if i wanted to hang out some time so i said sure, mainly to try and make a new friend since i didnt have any after Brendan broke up me. I felt weird next to Nath like ive known him a lot longer then a few months.

A week later it was right around my birthday and Nathan told me about a gig his band was doing that he wanted me to go to and afterwards he would take me out for dinner. He kept in touch after exchanging phone numbers the day at the animal shelter.

The day of the gig arrives and i show up in a beautiful tan top that shows a bit off along with a pair of black pants that show off my curves. I went to the gig and Nathan played really well. Though it reminded me of Brendan a bit so i stepped outside for a bit of fresh air right at the end of the gig. Next thing i know Nathan came outside looking for me and was really worried for some reason.

"Jordan whats wrong? Why did you leave the venue?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Its just bringing back a few memories" I said as i explained to him about Brendan and all the hate i had gotten. I dont know why i opened up to him so quick but my gut instinct told me i could trust him, so i did.

"Jordan I know i havent known you very long but i can tell you are very special. You are unique and all that hate that you got i know for a fact you didnt deserve it. You are a beautiful girl and you are amazing and caring and you deserve to be happier then ever." Nathan told me as i started crying at his words.

"but im not, im just mental. I deserve no one" I tried telling him.

"Those are all lies. You have been through a lot already in life, i can tell. You are no where near mental and you deserve someone who can treat you like the queen i know you are." He told me looking kind of lovingly into my eyes. "If you would like to give me the chance, i can show you what it actually means to loves someone with all your heart and give them everything they deserve. Its weird but i feel this special connection with you and i already know seeing you hurt would break me and i dont want to loose you"


"Please give me one chance? Thats all i would need...." He sorta half begged.

"sure...." i said agreeing to get to know him more.

I smiled genuinely for the first time in months, all because of Nathan. We got to know each other more and eventually he asked me to be his girlfriend. He really was a lot different the Brendan and i thank life everyday for bringing him into mine.

We spent that whole year together and on Valentines of 2018 Nathan had asked me to marry him, to which of course I said yes to.

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