Playing In The Shadows

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A Larry Imagine

(3.1K+ words)

**Louis December 24th 1991**
They raced along the freeway, a crying mother to be in the backseat. It was their first baby, a little boy, special in so many ways already. The mother kept screaming, wanting to not be in any more pain as they pulled up to the emergency doors of the nearest hospital.

The nurses were waiting and helped to get her out of the car as she cried taking shallow breaths when they wheeled her inside and to a private room. They helped her onto the bed and made sure they had easy access to help the baby come out.

Five minutes past of pushing, another five of screaming and panting. Three minutes to try and push a few last times before the head came out followed by the rest of the body. The sound of baby crying was added to all the noise as the mother laid back exhausted.

"Congratulations ma'am. Its a perfect little boy" The nurse told her wrapping the baby in a towel and laying him down on his mother's chest.

"He's so precious" The mother cried weakly hanging onto him.

"What would you like to name him Miss??" The nurse asked as she slowly took him away so they can clean him up better and put the ID braclets on him.

"Louis" The mother smiled as she watched her baby being carefully lead away before laying back and taking a few deep breaths from exhaustion.

*Louis early 1994*
Louis was just over four years old now. He could walk and talk and he loved to play with his friends. He was playing hide and seek with a few neighbor kids one day and while he was hiding he got the sudden urge to find something.

It wasnt that he wanted to find his friends instead, in fact he loved hiding. No, this was more of a longing, but being four years old he didnt know the word for it yet.

As he was hiding up in a small tree away from his friends he looked out the skyline towards Manchester. He smiled not knowing why. Something about the view just made him really happy. He knew at that moment he wanted to travel, and in that direction. Whatever was out there made him happy and he knew he had to find it.

Sadly however later that year Louis ended up forgetting about the feeling he had that day.

*Harry February 1st 1994*
Anne Cox, a young mother from Holmes Chapel Cheshire in England, was waiting at the hospital with her young daughter Gemma. Anne had felt a few cramps and being pregnant she wanted to make sure she ready for her second baby. It was her due date as well so she stayed as close to the hospital as she could.

She laid in the hospital bed as the nurses would come in and tell her she's only as two. She would need to be at ten in order for the baby to be ready.

She cried out a bit as another cramp hit and the father took Gemma out of the room. One of the nurses rushed in looking to check on her and said she was up to six and still going. More nurses came in as they got everything ready and about 30 minutes later more crying was heard.

"Congrats Ms Cox, its a boy" The nurse said cleaning him off and handing him over in a blanket to his mother. Anne smiled a bunch as Gemma and the father came back in.

"Gemma meet your baby brother" the father said gently pushing his daughter closer to her mother.

"Whats his name mummy?" Gemma said bright eyed as she softly poked the baby and giggled.

"Harold, baby Harry" Anne told her daughter smiling at her newborn.

*Louis 2003*
Sometime when Louis was about 12 he was in the car on the way to school and a song by The Fray started playing. It was kind of catchy and as Louis listened he loved how the singer sang the lyrics. He tried it a bit as the song went on as his mom smiled at him from the front seat.

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