Part 1: Christmas Morning

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Harry was sitting alone at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. It was Christmas morning, so there were not many people there. This was Harry's 6th Christmas at Hogwarts. The voices of Fred and George rang out in the vast room. They had stolen Percy's prefect badge from his bedside table that morning. They ran around the Gryffindor table, being chased by Percy- his face as red as his hair. The teachers weren't paying much attention to the twins, however. Professor McGonagall was talking to Hagrid who was taking a long swig from his goblet.

There were only a small amount of people at each house table. Ron and Hermione had stopped by the library on the way to the feast to get a book on Charms. The hall was decked out with 12 Christmas trees around the perimeter of the room- each decorated to perfection. Thousands of candles floated above the 5 tables. The food was amazing- with pumpkin juice and puddings, pies and roast potatoes.

Harry looked up and around. There were a few people at the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables, and there were a couple of people sitting at the Slytherin table. Crabbe and Goyle were gone for the holidays, but Malfoy was still there. Great! thought Harry. Maybe he won't tease me today. For once. It's Christmas- plus, Ron and Hermione are still here- but Malfoy's alone. Harry thought that Malfoy looked a little disoriented without his burly bodyguards. To Harry's surprise, Malfoy slowly got up from his table, where he was being ignored by a few older students, and strode over to the Gryffindor table to stand right behind Harry. Harry closed his eyes and sighed, not bothering to turn around.

"All alone today, Potter?" Malfoy sneered. "Your friends finally got tired of you?"

"I could say the same about you, Malfoy," Harry said calmly. Harry thought he heard Malfoy choke a little.

"I- I'm sorry," Malfoy said, looking down at his feet. This made Harry look up. Draco's voice was suddenly softer. "I was thinking, we should talk..." He moved to the side of Harry and took another glance at him. The way his shaggy hair fell in front of his bright green eyes made Malfoy smile stupidly but he immediately looked down.

Malfoy carefully stepped over the bench of the table, settling in next to Harry. Harry looked at Malfoy, who was blushing profusely and pretending not to notice Harry looking at him. Ron and Hermione would be coming back soon; he didn't care what Malfoy had to "talk to him about". Not wanting to be seen around him- despite the fact that sitting next to Malfoy gave him an odd sensation of warmth- Harry got up and moved down a few seats, taking his food with him.

Malfoy looked down, his blush disappearing. Unsure of what he expected, he feebly headed back over to the Slytherin table.

Harry didn't want to be mean to Draco- Hermione always said to take the high road in situations like this- but he didn't want Ron and Hermione to see Draco and Harry being friendly. No doubt, they would be extremely weirded out. Despite this, Harry couldn't help feel bad for Malfoy- even a little. Harry had always wanted to be friends with Malfoy, but they had been rivals since their first year. Harry looked back at Draco, slumped at his table, not eating. His pretty hair fell in front of his pretty eyes; his skin paler than normal. He looked simply defeated. Harry sighed, wondering if he was too harsh. He had always wondered if it was normal to want Malfoy, to kiss him like the world would end tomorrow. 

But no, Harry thought. I can't possibly like him- I- I like girls! Besides, he hates me. There's no point. Nothing would ever happen besides him hexing me. 

His thinking was interrupted, however, by Ron and Hermione coming into the hall and sitting down on opposite sides of Harry. He told them about Malfoy.

"I would try to avoid him," Hermione said, opening the thickest book Harry had ever seen. "This whole 'we should talk' business sounds suspicious to me. Could be a ploy." 

"He wouldn't do anything until his minions get back," Ron muttered, scooping a heaving amount of sausage and potatoes onto his golden plate. 

Malfoy was the least of Harry's problems. For now.

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