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It was now the day the guys would be arriving in America, you had taken then BBA bus to the city and knew you would be seeing Tyson, Max and Kenny, and as an added surprise you and Mr Dickenson invited Tyson's grandfather along.

The bus was parked, and Tyson's Grandpa was the first to get off and you could hear the commotion from the boys outside

Tyson: Whoa...Grandpa?

Grandpa: Ha-ha, say it don't spray it dude

Tyson: It's too weird, I mean not that I'm not happy to see you but what is with that outfit you're wearing, I need a pair of sunglasses to look at you

Ray: Tyson come on! We're taking a field trip

Ray had arrived in a separate car after being picked up from the airport in a separate car

Tyson: Ray you're here! Yes, we're all together!

Ray: Well not all of us

Then you all turned back to the Bus and saw Athena getting off and you have to say you were more than happy to see her

Athena: Hello boys miss me?

She joked but you smiled at her

Athena: So, did you all have a nice time back home?

Max: Oh yeah

Tyson: It was great

Kenny: It was nice seeing all our old friends again

Athena: Ray?

You: Oh, I had an amazing time, I really enjoyed spending it with the White Tigers; we got along well

Athena: Kai, how about you?

Kai: Yeah, I saw Grandfather, it was fine

Athena: Cool, now come along I have booked us on a trip to visit a world renounced Beyblade research facility

Kenny: That's great

Athena: Well hop it, get on the bus

So, on you all got and off you all went

You had arrived, and the guys seemed blown away at the fact that it was huge and that it was in the shape of a large Beyblade.

Kenny was stressing how good it would be to learn some techniques and how much of an exciting experience this was for you all.

Kenny: Turns out the government funds this place, and what goes on here involves national security

You were all met once you got off the bus by a guy called Jeff who you knew was the head of the educational tour for visitors

Jeff: Ah Miss Starline, it's lovely to finally have you here

You: It's a pleasure thank you

Jeff: Please, follow me, I will be acting as your guide for your visit

You all proceed into the building

Jeff: From aerodynamics to astro engineering, scientists from various fields are gathered here to study and develop cutting edge technology. We also cooperated heavily with the government and space agencies in order to achieve utter Beyblade perfection

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