The Christmas Bonus

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*A/N this is since Christmas is like 2 days away, and it is a little family fluff between Aunt May and our cinnamon roll Peter. It also might be kind of short ...


Eyes drooping, Peter made his way down the hall to his apartment door. God, he was tired. His hands were shaking from the three cups of coffee he had earlier just to keep himself awake. He didn't even drink coffee...

Yawning, he reached for his keys, only to drop them.

"Shit." He mumbled.

He bent down and his watch began beeping: it was 7:00am.


Peter mentally scolded himself for staying up the whole night, repeating that he would never do it again. 

'Why did I even do it?' He asked himself.

He thought back to last week...


It had been a tiring year of school, but despite that, Peter had been practically jumping with joy as he unlocked the apartment door.

'Finally...' He sighed with relief.

 His mind skimmed over all the things to look forward to over the break: finishing the Death Star with Ned, no homework, his Spider-Man duties, visiting Tony at the compound, and spending Christmas with May. It was all too good to be true...


"May! I'm home!" He called as he took his earbuds out of his ears. He expected the smell of a burning turkey or other coming from the kitchen, but instead, a sullen looking May made her way over to Peter. She gave him a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, Pete." She said. Peter was confused.

"For what?"

She sighed and cleared her throat.

"Um, I - They - " A tear began to roll down her cheek.

"They cut my Christmas bonus this year. We don't have enough money for even a tree."

Peter's face fell. He wasn't sad because of the Christmas bonus... He was sad because of how defeated his aunt looked. He pulled her into a hug.

"It's ok, Aunt May. I'm sure something will work out..." May sniffed.

"Yeah..." She mumbled into his jacket.


Peter frowned as he remembered that day. He wondered what her face would be if she saw him walking in now...


Peter lifted his tired eyes to look at a frightened May. She had been crying, her eyes and nose we're puffy and red.

"Hey, May..." He gave a weak smile.

"Where the hell have you been?! I looked everywhere for you! You didn't come home from Ned's and I couldn't call you with my phone since I didn't pay the bill yet,zip so was going to ask Mrs. Johnson if I could use hers, but she went out of town to visit her grandmother, and I walked all the way over to Ned's house and his mom told me you didn't even go today, and I began to get so worried and then I thought that maybe you were busy being Spider-Man, so I asked around and everyone said they hadn't seen him today, and I began to cry and I--"

She stopped as Peter held out a golden heart-shaped locket.  There was a moment of silence, and Peter decided to break it.

"I'm sorry, Aunt May. I asked Mr. Delmar if I could take the night shift for him to earn a few extra bucks since you didn't get your Christmas bonus, and he said sure. And that ended at, like, 3 in the morning so I went to find a jewelry shop that would be open around that time and I found this at one of them and I know it's cheap but it's all I could get with the money I made and I'm sorry for not calling y--"

Peter stopped rambling as May pulled him into a tight hug. He hugged her back, and she began sobbing. 

After a while of tears and hugs, May pulled away and kissed Peter on his cheek.

"You are the best nephew I could ever ask for, you know that?"

Peter only smiled in response. He took the locket and put it around her neck, then stepped away, letting her admire it for a bit.

"It's beautiful, but you didn't have to get it for me, you know. I would have been just fine to spend Christmas with you."

They embraced once again.

"Merry Christmas, Aunt May."

"Merry Christmas, Peter."


*A/N so yeah... If there are spelling mistakes, I'll fix them later. I'm too tired rn...

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