Sick: Part 2

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*A/N Thank you guys so much for 600 reads! It means a lot to me! Really! Here is the second part of Sick that I didn't originally plan on doing, but since you guys asked for it, here it is. Sorry in advance if it's complete crap. :/ Remember I take requests!*


Peter awoke to a bright light and a light breeze. He didn't open his eyes right away, they felt too swollen. He heard what he thought to be a plane passing by and distant laughter. His head felt fuzzy, and his stomach wasn't doing the best, either. His memory had escaped him, where was he?

The sound of chatter - closer this time - grabbed Peter's attention. It was all he could hear. He felt so dizzy...

Wake up!

Peter lifted his heavy eyelids to find himself in a white room. It wasn't like the rooms in insane asylums, and it wasn't like a hospital room, either. It looked more like a room out of a magazine, polished with fine wood furniture and a California King sized bed, which Peter currently occupied.

Not recognizing the room, Peter began to panic. He sat up abruptly, only to regret it as a pain soared through his stomach. Although his head was spinning, Peter attempted to recall the events of the night before.


"Okay, c'mon, Pete. Up you go." Stark said as he lifted a drowsy Peter up bridal style. The poor thing was sick, and only gave himself more problems trying to fight crime while barfing his brains out. Luckily, Karen had notified Tony about Peter's condition, and he arrived just in time to save the day.

"FRIDAY, tell Pepper to warm up some soup. I'll be at the tower in five." He said as he blasted off through the sky with a drowsy Peter in his arms.

The ride had been smooth for the most part, and Peter had fallen asleep to the soothing gentleness of the flight. When they arrived at the compound, however, is when Tony discovered that he officially hates it when his employees are sick.

A drunk-like Peter had slipped out of Tony's arms as they were landing, and instead of swinging into action and catching himself, he continued to fall, yelling "Wheeeee!"

"Peter!" Tony yelled. He dove after the teen and caught him before he hit the ground. Peter was laughing.

"Let's do that again!"

"No! No, definitely NOT doing that again! You got a death wish, kid?" Father Tony said as he landed on the ground and stepped out of the Iron Man suit.

"Woah! Can I try? That looks awesome!" Peter said as he began to climb towards the suit.

"No! Hey! Get away from there! Doc! Strange! Get over here!"

"You called me, Stark?" Strange replied immediately as he stepped out of his teleportation hole (idk what it's called XD). Tony leapt about a foot in the air before turning to face him.

"Jesus Christ! Don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Tony said, putting a hand to his chest.

"You don't have a heart, Stark. Physically or metaphorically. It's just a piece of machinery. Now, what did you waste my time for?" 

Tony merely pointed to Peter, who looked green and was almost about to faint, yet still laughing at Tony's armor, which was in sentry mode. Strange walked over and conjured up a thermometer out of thin air and stuck it in Peter's mouth. It beeped.

"He's got a fever." He said. After a moment of silence, Tony motioned for him to continue.

"Okay, and?" 

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