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You couldn't believe it! Markus and the other leaders were there, as well as Rebecca, Rupert, Ranald, and Yang. Then to top it off, everyone from the Mansion was in the march far back.

You smiled at the sight of the growing amount of Deviants starting to form a gathering ready to protest. Seeing all the quieted people that were given a voice finally.

But... you still felt something off. It was as though something scary was going to happen. You told the others to go in the back of the March. They didn't understand, but listened to you anyway and went to the back. You rushed up to the front and wanted at Rebecca and Rupert. You held your hand, stating they should wait there. Then you went up to see Aslan and _____.


"You're sound well I see."

"We've helped out Markus a lot. I gave the others my information in case something happened to me. I've somehow become important."

You grinned and calmly told him, "That's because you know how the Marines work."

He grinned and patted your head. Making you pout in ret. Then you followed Markus' lead to see a police officer you recognized.

You took some slightly quicker steps towards closer to the front. Hopefully to have him see you and stop. He pointed his gun at Markus, focused on him, and yelled, "Disperse immediately!"

Markus raised his hands. You realized that he was making a statement and raised your hands​ with everyone in March. With this would come the power and humility of Androids.

You watched officer Chris look around at the overwhelming amount of deviants. Then called up his walkie-talkie for back up.

Running off. Markus turned away from the officer and kept walking. You decided this was close enough in case something bad would happen and kept at this distance.

Then the now you walked the more Markus woke up and joined the March with us. It was terrifying, but amazing to see. You were sure with how close you were someone that knew you would recognize you. School, parents, maybe... no. Your sister is off at work somewhere at Sea. Facing the Russian troops now.

You decided to forget them. This was about you and your trapped friends. Not old memories of annoying people or family that you would rarely see.

Then Markus started chanting.

"We are alive!"

The crowd followed in unison. You joined in as well. He chanted 'equal rights' and many more. You joined in as best as you could. You saw people on the sidelines watching you, seeing you act differently. Then you saw a little boy leave his mother and rush up to you. Holding your hand, smiling. You grinned in excitement squeezed his hand and chanted louder than most others. "Androids are people!"

The boy joined in, North turned first to look at you and joined in. Markus did as well maintain a chain of it. Then the military cars came rushing out and the ____.

You turn back to the boy, scared at the sight and you told him, "Go, go back to your Mom. You are not going to stay for this."

The boy nodded and rushed back to his worried mother that was calling it for him but was silenced by the March.

You stood up and continued each step, with your great pounding inside your chest.

They filed up into battle position and aimed at us. "This is an unauthorized gathering! Disperse immediately!"

You were close enough to hear North, Josh, and Simon talking to Markus. North yelling him we need to fight. Josh telling him we need to stand our ground. And Simon saying we need to retreat. You looked to Markus to see what he would do.

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