Chapter 3: Sir Cuenca's Past

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As they set out from Wilsuma, Michael could feel the questions rising up inside him again. When they had ridden only a few minutes, he decided to try once more.

"Sir Cuenca, I know that I have been peppering you with questions from the moment we left my kingdom and you're not often keen on giving answers.. But this journey will be such a terrible long ride without conversation, so I was wondering if you might share with me about the kingdom you come from?" Michael ventured.

They continued in silence for what Michael felt was entirely too long, but finally Sir Cuenca opened his mouth and offered a reply.

"Young Michael, I do wish to share with you stories of my homeland, for I feel it it would do me great pleasure and pass the time enjoyably, but I fear I haven't much to share. For you see, I was sent from my home at about your very age."

"My age? And you left home alone? Why did you have to leave? Were you made to?" Michael's questions rolled off his tongue before he could slow them down.

"Well, I suppose I was made to leave though it felt unlike the force you are likely imagining. I was not banished by any means. Rather, I was carried away from my home and toward safety."

"What happened that you had to leave, Sir?"

"My dear boy, it is tough to say what happened precisely for it seemed to happen so fast and so queerly that even now as I think back on the events that led me to your kingdom I can hardly believe their truth. It feels as though it was a dream or even a life apart from my own."

Michael forced himself to steady his tongue for once and waited for Sir Cuenca to present an explanation in his own time. Can you imagine being so intrigued and yet choosing that of all times to begin practicing self control? Sir Cuenca seemed to appreciate it though and even now Michael is glad for that quiet moment he allowed the old man.

When the moment had passed, Sir Cuenca resumed the conversation.

"I suppose with a ride this length I may as well start at the beginning. Though you must forgive me for I have not spoken of this in such a time that my thoughts may well be jumbled and out of order."

Another moment passed as Sir Cuenca organized the events of his past, and Michael noted the steady clip-clop of the horses' hooves below them. Amidst the silence in the forest, it was comforting- as though the horses were reminding their passengers that they were not left alone to fend for themselves. Michael felt compelled to reach forward and pat his horse's head squarely between its ears and so he did. At Michael's touch, the horse turned its head but continued walking. Ever so sneakily, just as before, the horse sent Michael another wink. Could you help but smile if a horse winked at you? Well, Michael couldn't help it and if you say you could I don't think I believe you.

Nonetheless, Sir Cuenca sat atop his own horse beside Michael and began his tale.

"Well I can hardly start at the beginning without going further back.. before my own time. You see, as I tell you my part you may be confused if I don't first lay what you might call a.. uh.. well now, what is the word?" Sir Cuenca struggled and Michael thought it must be the first time the old man didn't speak proper- at least in the two days he had known him.

"Foundation!" exclaimed Sir Cuenca. "That it is, my boy. The foundation must first be laid. My homeland, you see, is just that. It's a land. It's no kingdom. Long ago, when people were finding their way to different corners of the world, my people settled in a bit of land just on the other side of the Enchant Sea."

"What's an enchantsy?" Michael blurted.

"My boy, I think you misheard!" Sir Cuenca laughed. "The Enchant Sea," he emphasized this time, "is a great body of water. It's quite a ways ahead still and be sure we'll have to cross it before our journey's end. For if I am to return to the other side what other way could we go?"

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