Chapter 1: Meet Michael

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You there! I've a story to share with you, and though it's not my own you'd have good sense to listen to it. For this is the story of a young boy who has seen and done more magnificent things than those of which you or I shall ever see or do. I beg of you not to interrupt for it could be quite a long report and only longer with added commentary. Nonetheless, I must inform you that the boy of whom you are about to learn is, indeed, telling me what to write and is requesting that I hastily conclude this introduction and get on with his tale. And so I shall.

It began in a kingdom, as most heroic tales do. Michael had reached the age of thirteen just the summer before and was called up to serve in the palace. You may be wondering how a boy could be forced to work when there are much more important things to do at such an age- pranking and fishing and making clothes dirty... Perhaps the king of this kingdom was cruel and cold and the boy had no choice? you might be wondering. If so you would be wrong, for Michael had been counting the days until his appointed time.

The king, you see, was not cruel at all and certainly never cold, but rather a king who ruled his kingdom with fairness and compassion. Under his rule, the kingdom had been at peace for over a hundred years- for the king was very old and no one knew quite when his rule began nor claimed to know his age though many guessed between four hundred and ten thousand years (although, as Michael tells, he didn't look to be a day over eighty). He was not fearsome, but he was, indeed, loved and though no subject was forced to remain in the palace they each did so anyway and were pleased to.

To serve in the palace was an honor passed down from son to son to son to daughter (when Michael's great-great-great grandmother refused to have a boy on account of their sloppiness) to son to son to son in Michael's family. And so he was, Michael claims, delighted to carry on tradition regardless of what some may have called, at the time, a sacrifice of his youth.

And within the palace of this kingdom grew a myth- a legend- a rumor, perhaps? Unsure of its origin, the servants of the palace continued to share it with each new, young subject. If you've been paying attention- and you have, haven't you?- you'll recall that at this point in his tale Michael fits that very description.

Michael was, indeed, a new, young subject in the palace and on his first night in the Subjects' Quarters, he was mysteriously ushered into a room filled with the palace's various workers which could usually be found in the many kitchens, gardens, stables and guard posts.

The room was dimly lit- as is appropriate when sharing secretive things- and the occupants of the room sat along the walls in small wooden chairs still wearing their clothes from the day's work. The two men, Michael could now see, who had pushed him into such a setting remained in their own palace guard uniforms.

A single, solid stomp from the foot of a stableman across the room turned Michael's attention away from the escorts and onto him. He cleared his throat.

"Young Michael, how kind of you to join us on such short notice! Tell us, son, have you yet received your duty from the king?"

You see, each subject was delivered a handwritten letter from the king himself on their first day of service in the palace. The letter contained sentiments of gratitude for loyalty to the king and, most importantly, the suggested area of service, often recommended to him by one of his councilmen who lived among the people. Each role was important, everyone knew that, but the revealing of placement by the king was still a moment to be anticipated by most.

"No, sir." Michael replied sheepishly. "I've yet to spend a full day in the palace so I expect tomorrow I'll receive the letter."

"Very well. Nonetheless we wish to welcome you to the palace."

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