Molly: Reunion Of Sorts

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When she thought they would never get there, they crested a small rise with the pod appearing before her

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When she thought they would never get there, they crested a small rise with the pod appearing before her. Gasping in delight, she ran forward to press her palm to one of the four hidden panels. There was one on each side of the door to cater for such a scenario where the door was meters up. The door slid open and she jumped, caught the door's ledge, and hoisted herself up.

"What are you doing?" Anzar asked when she was in mid-lift. His question distracted her enough for her to lose her momentum.

She hung there, flashing him a glare. "Entering the pod, what does it look like?"

He looped his arms around her backside, and her breath caught at his intimate touch. Holy cow, she needed an orgasm soon. His hands stroked from her ass to her hips, and she hurried to swallow a moan. One moment she gripped the ledge, and the next, she flew upward. Breathless as she was, she could do nothing but gasp at the sudden change in her position. She caught herself on the door's ridges and ducked into the pod. Any more force and she would've flown right past the opening.

"Thank you. Are you coming?" She peeked at Anzar standing there peering up at her. It reminded her of their evening spent in the tree. All she wanted to do was drown in his good looks. He instructed his males to stay, then he launched himself, catching the door's edge to pull himself up and in with ease. He crowded her, so she shifted back. He pressed forward until she realized he was doing so with a purpose. She jerked and raised her gaze to his, curious as to his intentions. His hands gripped her hips, and he pinned her against the bulkhead.

"How are you, temaar?" he asked, bending to peer into her eyes. He trailed fire with his touch as he ran his hands into the curve of her waist, over her arms to bury his fingers in her hair. He stroked her temples with his thumbs before tilting her face up. Something intense darkened his eyes, and his nostrils flared.

"I'm fine, Anzar. I promise." His concern was sweet, and she found herself smiling again. "Why do you ask? Do you want your thank-you kisses now?"

He rumbled, dropping to a knee in an instant. "There is nothing as wonderful as your thank-you kisses," he growled, gripping her hips to keep her close.

"That you know of." Succumbing to the yearning, she ran her fingers through his locks, marveling at their silkiness.

"I concede," he nodded.

Molly cupped his cheeks and pressed a slow kiss to his lips.

"One," she said. She tugged on his bottom lip with hers and when his mouth parted, she tilted her head and pressed her open mouth to his. She knew she was stepping over the line, but she couldn't resist inhaling a little of his soul. That longing had grown since this morning.

He rumbled again, his fingers tightening on her hips to an almost painful degree.

"Two," she said before rubbing her cheek across his. "Thank you for today, Anzar."

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