Anzar: At Last

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Anzar stared at his handiwork

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Anzar stared at his handiwork. It looked like a desperate survival scene. The large lump of slaughtered kagra unmissable. Panicked footprints stained the ground around it. He had bloodied the rocks and torn his tunic. Just behind it was the slanted pod, its door gaping and steam rising from it. It served as an effective demonstration from MARC on his planned performance. The pod had just returned from delivering the last crates to the village. The sun was almost setting which meant their window of advantage was diminishing.

"They Vargosh have broken atmo," MARC said from his wrist band.

"What?" Anzar asked, glancing up at the sky. "Atmo?"

"The Vargosh have breached your world." MARC's explanation had Anzar's eyes flying to the Jasmine. His heart leaped as fear gripped him, almost paralyzing him. He had experienced it before but never at this strength. He couldn't lose her, not his Molly. "I have notified her. She should be leaving the"

There she was, running toward Anzar with her hair streaming behind her. Her steps faltered at the scene before her, and to his surprise, she blessed him with a delighted smile. Heat of another kind nestled in his chest. Pleasing her came with its own reward.

His males trailed out into the open, a few settling around the fire, others slipping into the surrounding forest. Soran was closer to the Vargosh's anticipated landing area. He would be the one to address the intruders.

"Ready?" she asked, slipping her hand into his.

Anzar tightened his hold, noting her smaller weapon hanging from a belt she had put on. A dagger hung on her hip, as well.

"It will displease me if you do anything to endanger your life, temaar," he said. His voice had dropped to a rasp, with the thought of her injured tormenting him.

"You too," she said and tugged on his hand. "Now hurry, we need to find our positions before they land."

Even though he could overtake her with his longer strides, he didn't. Anzar enjoyed the sight of her breasts and hips swaying. They reached the large rock outcropping and ducked behind it. His gaze rested on his Molly, admiring her flushed cheeks, her parted lips as she panted for breath, but it was the fear in her eyes that had him looping his arm around her waist and tugging her closer.

"I have you, Molly." Anzar's gaze rested on her upturned face, and the urge to kiss her seized him. He released a long sigh, resisting the compulsion. He needed to focus if he was to ensure she survived this. She rested her hands on his forearms for a gentle squeeze. Her tiny fingers had him promising himself that after he had vanquished the Vargosh, he would strip her bare to discover all her wonders.

"I'm worried about the Jasmine. If the Vargosh don't blow her up, that is." Her gaze darted over the ship.

Anzar understood her concern. It had been her home, her sanctuary for many years. "Mother will take care of it as she does all things," Anzar said, his tone was one of conviction. He was looking forward to seeing it happen. Perhaps Mother would grow the jungle around it, perhaps she would swallow the ship whole.

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