Chp 1 Meeting God

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A/N: sorry if you see double chapters I was trying to fix it but couldn't and the order for the chapters for me seem messed up so sorry if they're not in the right order. They all should be marked though so you should be able to figure out the order hopefully.

Sorry I wasn't able to figure out the problems if you do read this then by all means please enjoy it for what it has so far.


A person was seen crossing the street, many people seemed surprised at the fact that the person didn't seem to notice the large truck that was hurtiling towards him.

Mc PoV

I am Azrail Amara and I am 16 years old I have long silver hair and dark grey eyes and I look quite frail although I do practice marital arts and weapon training and so on. I am often mistaking for a girl because of my feminine features although I assure you I am male.

 I am often mistaking for a girl because of my feminine features although I assure you I am male

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*(Imagine long hair)*

I was walking home from school , I took the same route I always did, it was bothersome to try to find a shortcut.

I was deep in my thoughts trying to play through the conversion I had planned out in my head to explain to my guardian why I was late; i had fallen asleep on a park bench while I was waiting for the bus and I missed it therefore resulting in me walking home, 'bothersome' I thought.

I was crossing the street when i noticed the stares that some people had directed my way then it hit me, quite literally. I got hit by a truck. I suppose I should be mad truck-san but you did save me an argument with my guardian, although now I seem to be dead.

I am floating in what looked like a void and my body is missing, I'm just a ball of light. How am I supposed to do anything, how bothersome.

After accepting the fact that I'm dead i could see the positives in this situation, no more school work or chores or anything. I don't have to do anything really, just float here.

I felt like an eternity had passed and to be honest it could have been an eternity, there was no objects that could keep time in here and I was not going to try and count time myself. I'm fairly confident that I could do it without forgetting, I do have a great memory/concentration and I'm quite smart but it's too bothersome, why give myself something to do when I can do nothing.

I then heard I voice, it called out to me using some sort of telepathy.



When I didn't answer the being started to materialise and a boy that seemed around my age appeared before me, he was quite handsome, he had soft brown hair and hazelnut eyes his facial features were quite soft as well but his eyes showed great power even if they were gentle and caring.

When I didn't answer the being started to materialise and a boy that seemed around my age appeared before me, he was quite handsome, he had soft brown hair and hazelnut eyes his facial features were quite soft as well but his eyes showed great pow...

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*(imagine the powerful eyes)*

'So I have noticed that even though you died you don't seem to be at all panicked.'

'Its too bothersome.'

'Ah, ...I see. Anyway how about I give you a second chance. I'll let you reincarnate.'

'No,thanks though.'

'...what? Don't you want to get a second chance to maybe live your life better and fix your regrets.'

'I don't have any, except...'


'I had to work too hard.'

'Not what I expected but I suppose I can work with that. What if I give you enough powers that you don't have to work for them in your next life.'

'I think I'm alright here.'

'Well I would also like if you would be my heir.'

'Your what?'

'My heir.Even though I am a God my time is almost up, I kind of cursed myself accidently and I am going to die from it therefore I want to give my powers over to somebody else.Although keep in mind I won't make you do anything that I, a God has to do to keep the world from falling apart. I have used some of my remaining power to be able to sustain the world. I merely want to have an heir since I've never had one in all my milleia of living. I would just send you to another world.'

'Doesn't that mean I'll have to live through childhood again and stuff, I think that it sounds bothersome.'

'Don't worry I'll send you over at the same age although I will have to modify your appearance a bit, I'll make you look handsome though. What do you say Azrail.'


'Yay! Sending you over now.'

My vision faded and I couldn't hear God that well anymore,I think I heard him celebrating a bit, quite happy for a guy that's cursed. My last thought before I lost consciousness was 'I hope it's not too bothersome'.

I Was Reincarnated As A God ~discontinued~ (Not Finished)Where stories live. Discover now