Chp 5 First Quest

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I went back to the guild again to see if there is any prominent magic forests in this area since some have more magic properties than others. I walk up to the counter and ask Miss Woods about it.

"Miss Woods, are there any especially magic forests are here that you know of?"- Me

"Yes, there are multiple around this area but I wouldn't go to the one called 'Forbidden Forest' it gets it's name from a very powerful beast who lives in the forest although the forest is beautiful and there is many peaceful places, some of the animal can be very territorial. I would advise you to go to the 'Forest of Beginnings' Its good for new adventurers like you Azrail, even though you're strong many powerful adventures and knights have fallen prey to 'Forbidden Forest'. I hope your first quest goes well Azrail."- Miss Woods.

"Thank you Miss Woods!"- I said while running out of the guild.

Miss Woods seems to have gotten used to my face many people keep staring though it always makes me uncomfortable, I could always threaten them but I don't want to bother with it.

Miss Woods just made the forest sound so tempting though think of all the good places to take a nap and even better is hardly anyone will be there since its reputation is so bad.

I take off to 'Forbidden Forest' excited to take a nap. (A/n really?). I use my OP speed to hurry over, obviously holding back since if I went full power something bad is bound to happen.

I stop at the entrance to the Forest and look up the trees are so tall and the light shining through the leaves make the forest look very magical. I made up my mind to go into the forest and find a good place to nap. I walk for about an hour and find a clearing next to a small waterfall, this looks like a good place to sleep.

I take out my supplies from my 'infinite storage' ( I bought the supplies on the way here I could have just created them but people might get suspicious,.. still bothersome,) I really like 'infinite storage' though, I don't have to carry anything or worry about getting the money I created stolen (i could make more easily but it's bothersome if I have to make some all the time).

I took out a blanket and a pillow and lay down on the grass and get some shut-eye. I woke up earlier than I expected to a giant wolf, he seems mad but I'm still tired so I'm gonna go back to sleep.

"Hang on for a minute I'm tired, I'm just gonna lay down for a bit ok."- Me. I lay down to go back to sleep but the wolf doesn't seem impressed.

"...GET UP!"- Wolf.

Surprised ( by how a wolf can talk, i must have hit my heas or something) I sit up, still half asleep though.

""- Me.

"Of course I talk, I'm a celestial wolf, I would be ashamed if I could not talk. Not all wolves speak though, well unless you contract them... I'm getting side tracked here though. I want you to get out of my forest!"- Wolf (who apparently owns the forest).

Beast level:


You can take/contract beast if the beast acknowledges you as a stronger being.

"Your forest?"- Me.

"Yes it's my forest. I'm the strongest here and I beat all the other beast to win command over the forest. Though my son will probably take over when i retire. He's strong though so he should be fine."- Wolf.

Strongest in the forest, I wonder if he's...

"...What's your name?"- Me.

" I wouldn't normally tell a human but I shall tell you anyway since you have not run away yet from my powerful aura. It's Esteel ."

So it's Esteel then, the powerful beast that lives here is him, he is true he has a powerful aura around him, well powerful for others, not me though.

"Nice to meet you Esteel, I'm Azrail Amara."- Me.

"Your an interesting human... normally people would be a least a little bit scared."- Esteel.

Am I human though? I'm a God but I have a human body, hmm... eh, I'm human enough.

"Yeah, I suppose. It's great to meet you an everything but I kinda wanna sleep so...."- Me

"Yeah... nope."- Esteel.

Esteel grabs me by the collar with his teeth and drags me back to his cave. Maybe he'll let me sleep there, I willing to play along then.

Esteel sets me down on the floor after running all the way here. I wonder if he's gonna let me sleep now.

"So can I sleep here."- Me

"Well you can but I took you here because you were trespassing on my territory and now I won't let you leave. You can challenge me if you want to get out otherwise you'll have to stay until you die."- Esteel.

"Challenge..? Nah I'm good I'm just gonna go to sleep here."- Me.

Esteel got rid of my blanket and pillow so I conjured another from my storage space.


Esteel let's me sleep this time, a bit surprised that I didn't try to fight him straight away like the others he captured before, who he killed.

Esteel PoV.

Hmm... usually they all fight me straight away. This one must just value his life more, he'll probably stall for time until he can escape. I must admit though he gives of a strange aura, he seems lazy but his aura is strangely very strong, it looks a bit compressed maybe he has a skill that hide his strength, well no matter, I'll soon find out.

Since the human is tired and even if he tired to escape I could detect if he leaves the barrier at the entrance of the cave I'll just let him sleep. I'll go of to find my son then he should be further in the cave.

"Elas!"- Esteel.

"Yes father."- Elas answers.

"I brought another human back."- Esteel.

"Are you going to fight this one too."- Elas.

"No, not yet at least, he doesn't want to seem to fight, he went back to sleep like when I found him in the forest."- Esteel.

"Can I meet him then?!"- Elas.

"...I don't see why not."- Esteel.

"Yaaay!"- Elas.

"Lets let him sleep for now though we will wake him up in a bit."- Esteel.

"Okay~"- Elas.

I Was Reincarnated As A God ~discontinued~ (Not Finished)Where stories live. Discover now