Chp 15 Count Petrus Wraiths Escort Mission (part 4)

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Still Azrails PoV

I woke up to see Esteel awake as well and me still lying on him, I get up and yawn.

"Good morning Es- White(Esteel)."- Me.

"Yes, Good morning young master."- Esteel.

As I look up I see a crow in the tree who looks like they were awake as well.

"Good morning my lord"- Lylah.

"Good morning Lylah."- Me.

"Hello Lylah, you're awake I didn't notice."- Esteel.

"Yes, I know, I am."- Lylah.

"Its good to see you two get along, try not to fight ok." - Me.

"Yes, Young Master/My Lord."- Esteel/Lylah.

I slowly get off my feet as Esteel makes sure I don't fall and like make a crator in the floor as I'm half asleep it's always more difficult to control my magic when I just wake up. I was already jumpy when I was in my old world. I should be fine though as long as nothing happe-

"Why were you still asleep Black(Azrail)!!"- Hyxel said as he jumped out from behind me which scared me as I just woke up.

Still half asleep and not recognising Hyxel I grabbed him by the collar and threw and pressed him up against the tree with my dagger against his throat. This surprised all my friends, Esteel and Lylah included and even all the guard party members and single guards who though he angered me and some infighting was going on.

As I pressed him hard against the tree nearly cutting off his oxygen, Hyxel, my friends and subordinates could see the look in my eyes a look of fear and killing intent so strong even the most powerful things would be frightened.
I almost spat my blood lust at him as I spoke at him rage still blindly me still unable to recognise him.

"Who are you? And why would you do that?"- Me.

As I said this my friends and subordinates around me knew I wasn't talking about how he told me off, they knew I had mistaking him for someone else.

When I realised where I was, in the new world I calmed down a bit. I had realised that this wasn't the person I had mistaken him for and was just stupid Hyxel. So I sucked back up my bloodlust, fear and killing intent and let down Hyxel and put my knife back and gave him a soft smile, as if I hadn't just threatened his life, even if just mistakenly.

"Sorry Hyxel, I didn't recognise you because I was half asleep and you suddenly told me off, I know I probably should have gotten up earlier and helped out, my bad. Also are you ok did I hurt you at all I think I might've hurt your chest a bit after all, I was just about to really fight you."- Me.


"..ah Yes you're bleeding a bit sorry about that I believe Rachel has some light magic it should be able to help it a bit. Let's go to her."- I said while coaxing him over to Rachel who was just like everyone else who were equally shocked.

It took sometime for everyone from different parties around us to go back to what they were doing and even then some of the ones who were close even to feel some of my intent looked at my curiously to be able to releasing an aura like that while half asleep and as young as I am.

Even some of the Lunas Mortem group took a while to get back to what they had been doing.

Rachel had told Azrail that they were just about to go down to the river to wash since most of the parties already went and it was their turn, she said that we didn't have to since we could go somewhere in Metol and could book a place with an at least ok bath because B and A rank adventurers are usually respectable since they are able to get to that rank, some are arrogant but almost never violent since they will fall back down the ranks. B and A rank adventurers have a good reputation so if they had money they could book a good inn without much trouble but
Rachel said we should experience it at least once since its our first journey as a party. I agreed as well so we did. Rachel bought some soap for her hair, they don't seem to have shampoo, if he remembered correctly I knew how to make it but it will be bothersome to set up a business, maybe I will try to make some to bribe Rachel with at some point.

They went down to the river and it seemed that most of the parties before us had separated the river into two spaces there was a large sheet of rock over hanging the river so you couldn't see the other side, and the other parties said that the upper part of the river the girls used and the lower part the boys used.

Rachel called over to us not to peek and we said we wouldn't we all took our clothes off except for our underwear and went into the water and sat down I went first I did it really quickly so they couldn't see me first thing. Esteel followed right after then the other guys.

Hyxel and Luke were trying to peek and Shane and Matthew wanted to but had more shame then the other two. Me and Esteel just sat over by the side, not interested. Unfortunately though they took it the wrong way again. Haaaa. Well it's fine I guess, I'd rather not bother having to set them straight. After a while of playing in water etc. Rachel came over to the sheet of  rock because she was bored but it was the lower part so she could talk face to face with us instead of shouting across like she had been and she would still be covered. Most of the guys were trying not to look down even though they knew they couldn't see anything even if they tried well except Me and Esteel. Rachel saw this and had a smile. Ah, I've given up already, want, did she want me to look or what?

I moved around to get more comfortable as I had been sinking down over time. This stir in movement made Rachel look over then blush, then stare intently at my chest, a little concern seeping into her expression.

Luke saw she was staring at my chest and spun around and then Luke stared as well. Seeing that Luke was staring Esteel also looked and stared followed by everyone else and also Lylah who was sitting on a branch a bit away observing.

"Azrail, how did you get all those scars?"- Rachel we she first to break the deafening silence and asked the question everyone wanted to.

There was a large scar that looked like it hurt a lot running over my chest and smaller scars riddled all over and small round burn marks among other things.

"What about those burns Rachel asked?"- Rachel.

I knew I would have to answer this eventually so I decided to at least he them about my burns.

"*sigh* Those were from my fostor parents, a demon-like combo they were."-
I said. Rachel looked at me confused on the fostor parents, maybe they don't have the concept here.

"They were from the 'guardian's' I had after my family died, the law never caught up to them unfortunately, and my fostor siblings, the others under their care, were too afraid to speak up. I wasn't afraid for myself but I worried if I did that the 'guardian's' of us would lash out to them more, even though I still took the blame for all the things they got mad at like, not taking out the trash or not cleaning the house like we were suppose to, not acting perfectly if people came to inspect or visit. I always said that I did it or I distracted them so they would blame me instead and not the others. It was the only way I could protect them I suppose. I wonder how they are now. I feel guilty for leaving the way I did even if I had no control over it and it wasn't pleasant for me either but I know I can't go back and I can't save them now because of me leaving, the other thing I can do is live a good life and wish them the best, hopefully those two demons get caught and the others will be saved. *sigh*"- I finished a bit sadly even though I know I can't do anything for them now I still feel bad for them.

The others were silent for a bit, I seemed to have that effect on them recently all of a sudden. Matthew asked me after he recovered, from shock mostly.

"What about that big scar along your chest."- Matthew.

"Well, they didn't do it, but I'd rather not talk about it."- Me.

I said this as I was still sinking into the river it felt nice to tell someone about the demonic duo but I still didn't want to tell them about who, where, when, how and why I got the scar. I let the bubbling water calm me as I calmed my self about everything.

There's not much point in sulking now since I can't help them in this world and I can protect myself now so it won't happen again. I have a feeling that they'll find out about it soon though.

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