13. Relief then Pain

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baekhyun's pov

What just happened? I had to keep asking myself as i eventually followed her. For all the several times i mess things up i normally feel unbothered because i purposefully make problems. But this time i had no intention on fucking up today.

Me being me, to this day i can't gain full control of my head. I'll occasionally try and stop thinking but it leads to overthinking then i drive myself to disappearing because i'm too nervous to do something totally out of character in moments of intense emotion. That's just me. But i'm very good at hiding these minor things about me.

Y/N. There's something about her. I've had this feeling before. Many times enough to understand the small existence of difference with her. She gives off this daring and fighting feel. I've always been a dominant guy so my ideal female company should be someone more easy and humble. Y/n gives me a rush, it's becoming addictive day by day. Thank god i manage to shrug the feeling off temporarily while i'm on duty and working shifts.

It's when i'm home, this new duty lurks around my head, the duty to just protect Y/N which was originally an order but it's become more than that. I think feelings are started to grow, and i'm really holding back. She's knows i'm dangerous she knows enough to be weary but the flame in her wont die out. She's lighting me up instead and it's driving me to madness.

Today could be summed up as my first flop. It doesn't even feel embarrassing but i feel like i should try harder. I don't know why but it's a nudge.

I blankly leaned on the bedroom door, she could be on the other side of it absolutely lost in her feelings and i still wouldn't have a clue of how to act on it....

"Should i come in?" i said knocking on the door. "H-huh? oh...hol-hold on." she barely made out, her voice clearly fighting sniffles. The door the creaked open causing me to stumble back and see a rough swelled burning eyes. 

"Do you want to tell me what's going on now?" i said sternly. I may have come out too boss like.

She kept her head lowered and silent. A simple nod came from her as a reasonable response.

We both descended into the room, my hoodies hood flying over her head from shame. We sat calmly on the couch. Observing my room she seemed to have a fit not only on my bed but under it, in my drawers and bathroom. She musn't be one to handle things well.

y/n pov

The echo of the slammed door vanished leaving my small whimpers audible. I was so shamed to even hear myself making such noises. The conflict in my brain. All i need to do is make up my mind and keep it final. I can't become sensitive in front of anyone. I refuse to reveal that side to my family let alone Baekhyun. I just had to go ruin the peace. I dont know how i'll get over this and how to get him to forget it.

Still and sitting on the floor...i felt empty but it was very refreshing it was like preparation for the entry of new thoughts and feelings.

The sudden dim ringing of a phone alarmed me. It was the first time hearing it in his bedroom and i'm sure he wouldn't be silly enough to leave his phone unattended especially with the threat of me being about.

Moving closer to the sound it came from underneath Baekhyun's heavy bed. It was fairy big, king sized so it made sense to store things under there. I pulled out whatever i felt since i was unable to see anything from it being so dark.

I yanked out a heavy black box. Unlocked, plain and probably harmless. The ring kept going. The caller must be eager to get a response. Even if it's Baekhyun's business i could take a peek. Why not? He's not here to stop me?

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