22. Revelation

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I woke up to the sound of a phone ping, signalling a notification was sent. My baffled eyes tried to work in tune with the direction of detection from my ears.

My messy strands of hair were furiously brushed to the side as I regained clear eyesight. I jumped out of my bed when it sunk it that it was indeed my phone notification noise. Rushing to the side of the bed I reached my under underneath it to yank out the black box with my belongings. I still hated how all my things were there and I didn't take it but- it would've been only a matter of time when Baekhyun realises I was using things.

It was a message from Kai's number. 'Hi sis it's me, you better be alive reading this. Call me as soon as you read this, Chanyeol and I have sorted a way to get you back home. Call me ASAP.'

I gulped. Just then it all hit me. How will I make things work with Baekhyun if my family's pure intention is to take me away from him, he doesn't know I'm in contact with them and they don't now about...us. I don't want to come across stupid and unloyal. I mean I would mock myself if I watched my life from a third persons view. How did I even manage to catch feelings. And what's most stressful? Well I still don't know why the fuck I'm here.

But I should probably tell them about the Mother since that dreadful moment still lingered in my head. I called and prayed it wasn't a waste of time.

"Y/n? Thank god, you haven't contacted me in almost a week! Mum is getting really worried about you. I've kept the lie going for now but I can't hide any longer which is why we need to get you out." Kai explained through the phone. Hearing 'Mum' put a hault to my thinking and I just felt guilty, empty and most of all scared for her, causing me to immediately release the urge to tell Kai.

"They know who Mum is Kai. They know her name!" I blurted hurriedly. He was quiet which is really unusual of his since his conduct in a considerably concerning situation would be bombarding me with questions and yelling. "Do you know how?" He asked calmly. There's something else to this. "No, she came to the bedroom while Baekhyun was away and talked to me, warning me and then she said it's sad to see Songi didn't raise you right. That's Mum!" I answered, losing breathe as I rushed.

Silence again, "wait what did she warn you about, are they threatening you and you didn't tell me?! For god sake Y/n your not making this very easy for me to help you." He agitatedly complained. I starched my head nervously trying to word in my head to the ways to tell him about Baekhyun or was this not the time?

"She told me to stay away from her son." I replied. "Baekhyun or Taehyung, which one of the bastards." He cussed. I held my mouth noticing how he knew Taehyung's name also. My suspicions were too big to handle and my head wouldn't rest till I found out what he's hiding.

"Kai- this will be the only time I ask you. How the hell do you know them. Somethings not adding up, I want to know how they know our family, why they are blaming me for their fathers death and how you know them. What the hell is happening!! Who are we to them?!" I raged.

"We're......were their rival gang y/n. We are their top enemy target. Which is why we need you out so-" he tried to divert the topic but how could he. I could barely focus on breathing, my eyes froze and my hand tightened around the phone.


A gang.

"Who's we're Kai?" I said through gritted teeth. "Oh weren't supposed to know like this. You were never meant to get involved." He explained.

"I don't fucking care about where I was in this situation when I didn't know this for the whole of my life!" I snarled. "Our entire family and associates make the gang, our inherited blood and history it is here okay. I didn't see this coming as a child but Dad did a hell of a job raising us without causing suspicion. We are a gang, does that answer all your questions?" He nonchalantly said as if trying to bet little the major topic. I scoffed in complete disgust and disappointment.

It all still doesn't explain even half of everything. "Don't play me Kai, there's more to this and I want to know!" I yelled in a demanding voice. He simply sighed on the other end. "You don't need to know anymore and I shouldn't have told you this much as it is. Just drop it. And listen to me." I wouldn't hold back anymore. My whole life is a fat lie. My family kept this from me.

I've walked around the streets all my life thinking u was in no danger and I was normal with a heavy life on my shoulders when in fact I had the whole package. Even- even- Baekhyun lied to me. Before I knew it tears were rolling down to the floor. "I've got to go. I can believe you, any of you. Don't call this number again." I insisted my hoarse voice wobbling with sorrow. "Y/n-" I ended the call and hit my back against the wall.

I threw my phone back I got he box kicking it under the bed. I got up and threw around pillows, blankets, even the lamp went straight to the floor. My tears tumbled as my heart rumbled with hurt and anger.

The door swung open to show Baekhyun in utter confusion o what was happening. Instinctively his arms dived my hold back mine to prevent me from throwing things around. As soon as I my puffy heavy eyes locked with his he looked at me with concern. I haven't seen me this mad let alone him.

He spun me from behind to face him and used his strength to hold my hands by my sides. "What is going  on y/n! Why are you bugging out like this? And why are you crying!" He questioned loudly.

I did the last thing he expected and shot him the deadliest stare I could ever give him. "Who am I to you?" I snarled. His lips parted in confusion and dread of where this was going. "What? If this a serious matter of us or is it that time of the month?" He joked. Of course I'd didnt laugh and in exchange I pushed him hard making him step back a few times.

"I'm not laughing with you. Who the hell are you to me?!" I threw out to him making this convincing enough that he turned more serious. "Did someone come in here? Stop asking me questions and tell me what's wrong." He pleaded irritatedly. I scoffed in awe of how innocent he was acting.

"How long did u want to keep it from me Baek" I asked lowering my tone. His eyes darted elsewhere and that's when I knew he clocked onto what I meant, his fingers going straight to raking his hair awkwardly.

"So suddenly an enemy is acceptable as your partner? Was I just a way to release some tension huh?! Do you hate me too?!" I said slapping his chest to push him more. My temper was worsening and my patience growing thin. "I've never judged you for that, you didn't know everything. I'm as clueless as you are." He voices in his defence. I shook my head moving back. "Your not the same person to me anymore. Is that why I was taken here? Because I'm part of this bigger plan or because I'm a rival of Verge?" I spat not doubting for a second that he'll deny it.

So I didn't give him the chance to talk. "You know what Baekhyun, we've just started and I've already had enough. And it really tough because I had hope that our circumstances wouldn't bring us into trouble like this." I stated. "I think it'd be better to take a break. I need to think things threw before putting dedication and trust into this." His face instantly transforming into something more stressed and alert.

"Taking a break for what? I don't get it, I don't know what your standards are for a relationship or partner but you knew damn well what you were getting into by getting with me." What he was pointing out was fair but this only made me more irritated. I was not one to take losing well, so in order to keep my confidence standing I said the most bold thing I could to him.

"I don't know what you expected of Muana by trying to get her to stay. I'm not her but just like her I won't fall for these lies." Shockingly I managed to control my tone without it wobbling the slightest.

His figure was so still and his gaze beer left mine until his expression was dropping into defeat. He looked mad too but he wouldn't take it out on me because honestly I put more effort in expressing myself then he ever has. Hugs weren't enough anymore.

Next thing I knew I stormed right past him in a determined mission to get the answers I needed and that could only be done through one person. The 'top dog' himself. Kim Taehyung.

//I know this chapter is short. I love you all so much, yall are cool and ur reaction are send me because I can relate whilst I'm writing it. WE HIT 3K peeps! 🥵💗 tysm omg. I hope we can reach higher and I believe we will. Also in advance I'll announce that the in one of the next few updates, for Baek's birthday I'll do a smut chapter so its a disclaimer and an announcement x be prepared//

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