29. Freedom's calling

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"Bitch!" I cursed, in rhythm with every blow to the head I gave her. Ideally I could've used my self defence moves from my past classes but sadly, it ended up as an ordinary cat fight. Legs intertwined, fingers entangled in each others hair and tumbling on the floor. You could guess by now we had a full audience, surrounding the perimeter of the room, "ooh"ing and hissing at the sight.

"You think people like you here? You think they aren't out for your head? God, if only you knew sweetheart!" Muana mocked, even with my knee slamming into her stomach.

"Fine with me! Let them try to kill me! You ran away like a pussy, but I've stuck my ground this whole time. So who are you really to talk?" I screaming, grunting at the minor attacks.


Before we knew it, 2 pairs of arms split us apart. That's only when I realized what a mess I made of the brat. I smirked, but tugged at the restraining arms to let me go. Words could've been a better way to demonstrate my anger but my lack of breath left me powerless. They brought me to my legs and I kicked unconsciously, accidentally hitting his ankle.

My gaze stayed on my target who was struggling to recover.

"Take her to the lock ups. I'm decapitating hands of whoever talks about this from this moment forward. Everyone leave." A voice from behind directed, to which the crowd left and Mauna was dragged away by Taeyong.

"Y/n! Your okay right? God, you scared me. Who knew you could fight so well!?" Jackson wailed with feigned worry. Patting down my torso energetically as if looking for injuries.

"I'm okay Jackson" I laughed, my finger tracing over the open cut on my lip and forehead. I tried not to make a big deal out of it and flashed a smile at him to act okay. Truthfully i was unconsciously replying because of how much i wished to avoid the pair of eyes digging my back from behind. 

I took the opportunity to drift towards the door like the crowd of people did. As sly as i was, I knew there'd be no point. "And you thought it was a good idea to do that because?"

My eyes squeezed shut, lips shaped into the flattest line. I awkwardly swivelled to face him. His hands in pockets, head tilted and his features screamed frustration all over. "Do I now have to defend myself from your incoming nag fit?"

"You don't think much before you do things. That's putting us in a worse positions than we're in. What's so hard about keeping lowkey?" His question was more so rhetorical but I felt alone. I felt somewhat betrayed that he couldn't see I was standing by my divinity and love for him.

"Baekhyun I left to think on what we are and I've come to understand how much this means to me. Only to come back and get provoked by your equivalent of an ex and see her thing on you lap! How am I meant to feel!?" I cried out desperately, simply hoping he'd see past the damage this brought to our reputations. He blinked, conflicted in what to respond with.

Although he was mad about this blow up he remembered how you left the mansion, tears eyed, upset and that was enough to calm this crazy wave of nerves. All his life, he struggled to comprehend whether hating, liking or loving someone were different.

He hates his brother but stood by him through the years of scandalous crime. And even though it was tiring and hard, their relationship had some positive outcomes. Then there was Muana, who he couldn't manage his emotions for. Was it a crush? Was it love? But such positive and precious feelings became insignificant when she left him, so was it a good thing.

No. Love was dangerous in his eyes. Joy and freedom was never a part of his youth because of his lifestyle. Walks in the park, holidays, enjoyable dinners weren't possible. Even steeping our of the house had to be justified with valid reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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