Bad Luck

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Important update my family has obtained a Roomba, it is the cutest thing ever.

For a better understanding of his leg structure look up satry

PS I know after a while blood dries

Bakugo POV

was pissed beyond pissed. I only could go see him two days a week, and only for 5 minutes at a time. Every shred of information was Kept For Me. I had no updates on his condition. No one would answer any of my ques-thump!

My train of thoughts was
interrupted by me tripping over a freaking Rock, and it was a sad excuse for a rock it was like a pebble.
But yet it still had the capability to trip me and force me into a face-plant on the cement. I struggled to my feet almost falling onto my butt from standing up too fast
and blacking out.

I grabbed a nearby
lamp post to prevent myself from falling again, only for it to slice my hand on a randomly placed piece of sharp metal sticking out from it. I Let Go from the shock of pain resulting in me falling on my ass.

Now steaming with
complete rage I let a stream of. Thankful that it was dark out. I stood up slowly this time and walk to see feet before seeing the small pebble that I had tripped over previously. And with one rage powered kick I sent it flying through the air bouncing off of wall and smacking me in the dead center of my gut

~7 minutes later~

I stand two large metal doors, before pressing a buzzer to let me in. Several seconds went by so I rang it again another several seconds went by and I did it again. This went on for about 80 Seconds before I started to get really pissed.


I yelled out in pure rage before punching the door with my good hand, making a significant dent on where the two doors meet. I opened my mouth to let out another string of curses...

When I was met a putrid stench instantly taking up every available breath I took. I gagged and ran over to the side of the building where a few trees towered above smaller plants. And then I vomited into the bushes. The smell had it kind of nostalgia. I remember the time before I got Mike quirk, Izuku and I went out into the forest to catch some bugs to show our parents.


Unfortunately what we
found start both of us for life. Although now I have seen much worse, but still. Two of us had gone out to the Forest when we caught the most putrid stench would ever smelt. Of course me being a little hothead I was back then wanted to find out what it was so I ran towards the smell pulling Izuku along with me. But when we saw what it was we both stood there in shock in fear. A rabbit, a fuzzy little rabbit's body littered the forest . His corpse was spread out to a range of 7 ft parts of it was strung up in the trees, their trunks blood-stained. I picked up a stick and walked over to the most intact part of the corpse.

As I closely exam that
I noticed it's fur and skin were moving. So I decided to do what you do when you find a body. Poke it. As soon as I jabbed with a stick it's bloated stomach popped open spilling out guts and maggots and worms and the stench got even worse.
The sound of the pop was nauseating enough.

Warning ended

Then and only then was
a girly shriek from behind me enough to snap me out of whatever trauma trance I was in. I turned around to see Izuku in the same spot I had left him but he was crawling away from the scene on his butt. His eyes are glossed over with Terror and tears rolled down his face. He was sobbing uncontrollably.

If I wanted to be a hero
then I would need to put on a brave face and that's what I did, and I gave him a piggyback ride all the way to his mom's house.

I drifted out of the memory
and I stared up into night sky
not a cloud to be in sight. I breathed out watching the large cloud of steam worms by my lungs into the cool crisp night air.I took off my sweatshirt rip off the sleeve and tie it loosely around my nose and mouth to act as a filter. I glanced around the parking lot see if I could spot any signs of life, the only thing I saw was every parking spot taken up by a vehicle.

Has a stepped into the threshold of stench my nostrils are immediately taken over by the scent of Rotting Flesh. I have to force myself not to gag because if I start, I'd throw up again and draw attention to myself. The only sound in the dark hallway what's the buzzing of flies and humming of computers. I begin to descend into the pitch-black hallway putting my hand out to the wall to guide myself down.I immediately yank my hand back and stare at the wall, letting my eyes get adjusted to the dark. My hands and the walls were covered in a dark liquid, I felt a liquid in my hands. It was blood, the entire wall was covered in blood.

I turned around
And began walking quickly down the hallway which was now slightly illuminated from the emergency exit signs. My speed walking soon
turned into a full-blown Sprint, running towards the room that held Izuku. But As I neared I began to slow my pace to a slow Jog until I stopped. What looked several security guards was spread out on the floor, limbs missing next and spine snapped. The once white walls ceiling and floor were now painted
a crimson red. 

I stepped over there
disembodied Corpses, respectfully not stepping on their severed limbs. I made my way on into the Labyrinth like science facility when I came across a doctor whose head was stuck in the ceiling light. He was hovering above a large pool of blood that had dripped from his corpse. I shuttered and kept moving another body I came across was a young female scientists, she had a few non-fatal claw marks on her face. One of the markings had gone right through her lip. I was slightly confused on how she had died until I looked at her other side . Or lack of one, she had been split in half down the middle. And her bones had a clean cut accompanied by a rather large pool of still blood.

The urge to vomit rose again
so I shielded my face from all of the other bodies as I made my way down to the door that held who I was looking for. Although once I opened the door I instantly regretted doing so. Inside was the normal viewing room with the several inch thick bulletproof glass looking into the containment room for Izuku.

The window had been shattered and
one of the bodies in the room was hanging it's legs into the dark abyss that which once held my friend but now is more than likely empty. His face was unrecognizable it's at the bashed in exposing large chunks of brain and skull. The man laying on the floor next to the desk had a surprisingly calm expression on his face for the amount of damage done to his body. His rib cage has been forcefully ripped open revealing a dark cavity where his heart should have been. His guts and intestines hanging out litter the floor. I stepped back horror asking myself why I had even bothered coming to his cell, it was obvious that he had gotten out. I was about to turn and run out the door when I bumped into something. I slowly looked up at the figure coming face-to-face with my old childhood friend...

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