You and Me

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Chapter 1

Sam's POV:

"Hey mom,when are you coming back?it has been almost two months since i last saw you"i said talking on the phone.

"Next month sweetie.promise."

"You said that last time,but,its ok.Enjoy"i said and clicked the end call button.Ive been home alone for almost two months and YEAH! It was great.Sometimes i'd throw some parties and all that a normal naughty girl would do when their parents weren't home.I lived with my mom and an annoying little sis.I had a stepdad and well,it was what it was.

My parents are divorced and i had to split almost everything.But since I moved out,(to another country) non of that is really necessary.It was almost 9pm and I was already feeling sleepy.I felt my eyes shutting when I later on heard my phone buzz.I took a look at the caller ID before answering.It was Ross.I answered the phone as quickly as possible.

"Hey!how's you?"

"Hey Ross.Im fine and u?"

"Also was wondering.."

"Yes?"I cut him

"Could you come over.Please"he begged

"But it's nine pm.I mean.."

"Please Sam!I'll do anything"he cut me before saying anything.

"Uhm.Ok.Ill be there in thirty minutes."


I quickly ran upstairs going into my room and facing my closet.I pulled out a cute neon pink t-shirt,a black trouser and took out a cute pair of pink vans and placed them on my bed.I went for a shower because I was smelling really bad.I got out of the shower,looked into the mirror and smiled.

Once I was done with the dressing and brushing my hair into a ponytail,I went straight to his house.It was only two houses way from mine,so I walked there.I knocked the door once I arrived.When he opened the door he looked so cute with that smile on his face.

"So?What was it that you wanted me to see?"I asked as soon as I walked in.

"How did you know I wanted to show you something?"

"I figured it out since you were begging"I said letting out a small grin.

"Ok.Lets go to the backyard"

I noticed that he ignored me but at the sametime I nodded in agreement and followed him.Outside it was all so pretty,the star's where shining illuminating the dark blue sky and I noticed that he had put a blanket on the green grass which was so beautiful.

We both laid down on the blanket starring at the sky.He looked at me and smiled when I was pointing at a star.I looked back at him and smiled back.He looked so cute,his blonde hair in a weird way looked perfect,his eyes were blue in colour and his lips formed a beautiful smile that a girl could not resist.

Suddenly his lips were pressed against mine.I kissed him back,placing my hand on the back of his neck.It felt good but wrong at the same time.I pulled back after a while and had a strange look on my face,I mean,the kiss was good and all but it felt so wrong.

"I wanted to tell you this for a long time but I could not find the words for it.I mean,I am sorry for the kiss,I couldnt control myself.I know we are friends since childhood,but to be sincere"he paused a little bit"I love you Sam"

I actually thought he was kidding at first but he was serious about it.I smiled and leaned in for a kiss.Ok.This is actually hard to believe.Ross loved me.I never thought it was possible.Of course its possible,I mean,Argh!I am so stupid.


Ross POV:

Does she really like me or does she only like my kisses?

I kissed her even harder.As she moaned,I slipped my tongue in and our tongues battled for dominance.My hands on her waist and her hand on the back of my neck pulling me closer to her.

She pushed back and smiled at me before looking at her phone.

"Its getting late,I probably should go.We still have school tomorrow"she said with a grin on her face.

"Yeah.You're right.But before you go I wanted to know how is this going to stay?"

she leaned in and gave me a quick kiss and smiled."I am just waiting till you ask me out"she winked and left.


Sam's POV:

I woke up with the sound of my alarm.I checked to see and it was 6am.

I quickly got up ,heading towards my bathroom to shower.I put on some music playing as i prepared myself for school."I love when you pulling up in your jeep,bumping all your beats,J's on with your shades on,just to bring me something to eat,You the man up in these streets..."I started singing on the shower.When i got out,I looked in the mirror and brushed my teeth.I went into the room and took out a white and blue dress with a pair of white sandals out of my closet.When done,I put on some mascara and eyeliner before heading downstairs to have breakfast.I took out my phone from my bag and went on instagram since i wasn't much of a twitter person.

When done,I got my bag and made sure i didn't forget a thing.Once i got out,i saw that he was already there waiting patiently for me.He used to come and pick me up at home since my mom wasn't home.When i got in,he gave me a kiss on my hand and i blushed.

"Morning.How'd you sleep?"he asked

"Morning.Well and you?"i answered

"Great.Ready for school?and by the way you look stunning today"he said with a grin on his face.

I laughed and nodded.The rest of the ride we were in complete silence.

We arrived and i saw Lauryn stare at as.It turned out to be that we were holding hands like a couple and it was wierd at how she looked at us.Lauryn is my best friend since kindergarten.

"What the hell!?Are you guys dating?!I mean,Wow"she said wierdly

"What?No.Why would you think that?"

"Sam,you guys are holding hands"she replied with a serious look.

We looked at each other and immediately let go of each other.

"You're glad that Amy wasn't here!She would kill you Sam!"

Amy was dating Ross and she was part of the cheerleading squad along with Lau.Lauryn pretended being besties with Amy so she could now what Amy would plan for Ross and also for me.She hated me.I think its the fact that me and Ross were very close friends and i felt save whenever i was with him.

"Oh,yeah.Uhm,I forgot to breakup with her"he said rubbing the back of his head.I sent him a look that he knew it meant trouble.

"With the looks on y'all faces ,I can tell that something happened last night.C'mon tell me!"she said jumping around happily.

"Hey Baby!"we turned backwards to see Amy heading towards us.

"You better fix this"I said before giving him a kiss on the cheek.I grabbed Lau's hand and quickly moved out of there before Amy could even come near me.

"Sam?You like him don't you?"she said seriously and i nodded looking at the floor."Look at me"she paused and faced me towards her "You know he loves you and that he would do almost anything to be with you.Don't let Amy come between y'all."I nodded and smiled.



Hey guys.

I know that this chapter is long but its first story that I ever wrote and that I'm nothing giving it up.So please give me a chance.And I know I have a prob on my English and Im sorry.If possible even help me.Please :)

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