Chapter One

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It was another quiet day out in the woods. Alex was perched on one of the many trees. She had been in this particular location for a full year, and she knew that she would need to leave soon. With cool eyes, Alex watched as the large moose grazed in the dense forest. In the blink of an eye, Alex gracefully leapt from the tree and tackled the moose to the ground. Quickly she bit down and drained the moose of all its blood. Once she was done she looked down on the poor creature. With every meal, there was a pinch of remorse knowing that she had to take an innocent life. Most people would see this as dramatic, but Alex spent so long in the woods she felt for the creatures. Living through many seasons Alex watched as different species would live and breed. It was always an incredible sight to watch how the males would fight or show off for a female's attention.

Before Alex could pay her respect to the moose she heard a twig snap. Thinking logically it could have been an animal, but something told her to turn around. Slowly Alex stood up and turned around. When she finally met the eyes of the stranger all she could see was red. Her fiery red hair was only the beginning. Alex noticed the slight red tint on the woman's sleeves as well as her blood-red eyes. Both women watched each other with calculated eyes. It wasn't long before the stranger spoke.

"Ever thought of indulging yourself in humans instead," she questioned.

 Alex scoffed, "No animal blood is enough for me." 

At this comment, the woman's eyebrow shot up, "Pity," she remarked. "You remind me of a certain family we -- I had problems with recently," the red-headed woman snarled. 

Curious about the family the woman spoke of Alex asked, "And who was this family you had issues with?" The woman's body began to shake with anger. 

" The Cullens," she spat. Now that name did ring a bell with Alex, and the red-headed vampire acknowledged that. "Seems like you animal drinkers all know each other," the woman smirked. Confidently the red-eyed vampire began to stalk towards Alex. The sight almost made Alex laugh. She loved it when they all thought they could win. "Do you think your precious Cullens will miss you when I rip your head off and set your body on fire?" she taunted.

 Alex replied, "Trust me, you don't want to do this." 

"An eye for an eye, at least for now," the stranger growled. All at once, the woman tackled Alex and put her hands around Alex's head. "Any last words?" she questioned.

A smirking Alex replied, "I do, don't let the branches hit you on the way down." The woman looked confused at Alex's comment. Swiftly, Alex placed her feet on the woman's torso and pushed upwards. The woman went flying up towards the treetops. All that was heard was a loud thump from when she landed. She looked up, her red eyes burning with hatred, trying to find the vegetarian vampire. Alex was leaned against a nearby tree with her arms folded over her chest. "How was the flight?" Alex jokingly asked. Before the woman could turn to face Alex, she was already behind her. Grasping onto the woman's head, Alex slammed it against the forest ground. She quickly turned the woman over and placed her foot down on the red head's throat. As Alex flipped her over she noticed that the woman's porcelain skin was beginning to crack from the force applied seconds before. The helpless vampire looked up at Alex watching as her eyes seemed to glow brighter. "Tell me where the Cullens live," Alex growled. 

The woman hissed out, "A little out of town, in a place called Forks, Washington." Alex took her foot off the vampire's throat but quickly grabbed her and held her against a tree trunk.

 "Leave this state, and forget everything here," Alex whispered. The woman nodded her head, almost in a trance-like state, and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes she was alone in the woods. She didn't know why, but she knew she shouldn't be there. Alex watched from a nearby tree as she quickly fled.

"Cullen?" Alex pondered. It was a name that she hadn't heard or thought of for a long time. That was the name of the newborn vampire that Alex had helped change his diet.

*Flashback* London, 1663

Alex had recently moved to London, England. She wanted to travel and figured the rainy lands of London would be perfect. While she was there she discovered a secret coven of vampires hiding in the sewers. The local coven warned her about the nearby church. Apparently, the pastor's son was following in his father's footsteps by hunting werewolves, witches, and vampires. Understanding the news Alex bid the vampires farewell and took off towards the shadows.

A few days later Alex had heard the pastor's son tell a group of men how he believed there were vampires in the sewers. Hearing the news Alex took off to tell everyone. Quickly the vampires dispersed, but some of the older and more powerful ones stayed behind. 

"Why are they staying behind?" Alex questioned. 

The leader replied, " If they want a fight we will give them a fight." Not wanting to be involved Alex left but stuck close by to see the results. After what felt like hours Alex watched as the pastor's son hobbled out. She immediately noticed how he was holding his neck. Instead of leaving the man to his own throughout the transformation, Alex decided to follow him. For the next three days, Alex watched over the man making him as comfortable as possible throughout the painful transformation

When the man finally awoke in his new life he knew what he was immediately. Alex watched  for days as the man tried to kill himself numerous times. At last, he finally gave up and went to the woods for seclusion. Deciding now was the best time to approach him Alex slowly walked over. 

"I can help you if you would like," Alex whispered. Startled by the voice the man turned around to face Alex. 

"I'm sorry madame, but I don't think you can," he replied. 

Stifling her laughter Alex stuck out her hand, "My name is Alex Hunter. What is your name?" Alex asked. 

Carefully the man shook her hand, "My name is Carlisle Cullen," he said.

Nodding her head Alex began to speak, "Now Carlisle you and I are the same, our hearts no longer beat yet we live." Before Carlisle could respond Alex placed her hand up silencing him. "You don't need to feed on humans, you can feed on animals," Alex continued. Noticing Carlisle's confused face Alex took his hand and led him to a nearby cave. "Now watch me and repeat," Alex whispered. Crouched down low Alex slowly walked into the cave. She quietly grabbed a lone deer and bit into its neck draining the blood. Carefully Carlisle tried to copy Alex. Luckily he got ahold of one, but not before alerting the others causing them to flee from the cave. "Don't worry it will get easier, but look how well you are doing," she stated proudly.

Overtime Carlisle truly did get better at hunting. The two stayed together for quite some time. Their two personalities worked well together. Alex continued to teach Carlisle how to hunt, and how to stay away from too many humans. Carlisle never needed much help with humans; he seemed to have an exceptional amount of control when it came to blood. The two continued to travel around and learn more and more from each place. Even when meeting the reclusive Allistair the two stayed close. It wasn't until Carlisle wanted to stay with the Volturi that the two chose different sides. While trying to convince Carlisle to leave Italy, Alex exposed her ability to the Volturi. Immediately Aro attempted to persuade Alex to stay with them. This led Alex to use her ability, yet again, to escape. Due to Carlisle choosing to stay with his new brothers Alex fled Italy. For decades, even centuries to come, Alex stayed away from all other vampires going back to her nomadic ways.

*Flashback ends*

"Well old friend let's see how you have been doing for yourself," Alex whispered to herself. In a flash Alex was gone, and on her way to the small town called Forks.

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