Chapter Five

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It was moments like those that made Alex relish in her nomadic life. She always did prefer the presence of animals rather than people. With people she had to hide and restrain herself. Animals never used her for her gifts. They were content with Alex's presence, for only when she hunted did animals sense her danger.

The woods she walked in were appealing to her. All around her were spruce and yew trees. Each covered in thick layers of moss. Their needles tickled her skin as she stormed by. Finally, slowing down Alex slumped down against a rather gigantic spruce tree. Being able to calm herself, she was able to think back about what just happened. A part of her felt ashamed for her actions towards Carlisle's family. On the other hand though, she knew that she needed to push them away. If she didn't she could be facing something quite sinister. Why would Carlisle form a coven of those type of people though? After his time with the Volturi, Alex couldn't picture him going back to a place like that. People were always confusing and left Alex not knowing what to do or how to act.

Carlisle was never meant to be alone, he needed people like humans needed air. From the beginning, Alex knew that Carlisle would not fit her lifestyle. Whether he wanted to admit it or not Carlisle needed the social interactions. He always seen himself as a cursed being. If he provided for his family or took care of his patients, he believed he could eventually be blessed with a normal life.

Hours passed in a calm trance like silence before Alex heard a shift around her. She caught one familiar scent and one that made her undead heart clench. Why couldn't they leave her alone? Before they made it to her, she stood up. She knew Carlisle would want to check up on his old friend, but she was just starting to calm down. As for Jasper, she knew he would want to talk to her. Talk about them and where they would go from that point on. The thought alone was already starting to get to Alex.

"Took awhile to calm poor Edward didn't it?" Alex joked. Sometimes humor was the only way that Alex could diffuse the awkward tensions she found herself in occasionally. It showed that Alex wasn't used to being around other people, she never knew how to handle people's actions or emotions. Or at least not without her gifts help. Neither one seemed to appreciate the joke. Alex chuckled awkwardly, "Tough crowd I see." For a few minutes the three vampires stood in the darkness of the woods. Finally tired of the silence, Alex snapped, "What do you want Carlisle?"

"To check on an old friend Alexandria," he replied. His response surprised her. Jasper could feel her confusion. He wondered why she couldn't understand that she was cared for by his father figure. He also began to wonder what their true relationship was. Anyone could see that the two were incredibly close, even after so much time apart. In reality, Carlisle was indebted to Alex. Without her guidance in the beginning, Carlisle couldn't fathom the idea of what his life would have turned out to be like. For him, Alex was a blessing brought to a cursed creature.

"Well if you must know I am doing just fine now," she stated. Neither Carlisle nor Jasper believed the woman.

Carlisle took a cautious step towards Alex, "Now why don't I believe that." Alex scoffed and rolled her eyes. She forgot how well Carlisle knew her and was able to read her. That was always the hard part about getting close to others. Alex never liked to be vulnerable. When people were vulnerable, they began to become trusting. She couldn't afford to be trusting, for when she was she was being used. She had too much power to depend on others, they all had evil intentions. Jasper noticed the shift in Alex's demeanor. He didn't like how his mate was feeling.

"Alex, I know you, please you can trust us. All of us," Carlisle almost pleaded. Alex turned away not liking the look that crossed his face, but she knew she couldn't back down. Not now, not ever.

Swiftly turning back, "You know why Carlisle! I'm not meant for this! I don't do this anymore." The shear force of Alex's tone made Carlisle stand still in fear. Carlisle had seen in the past what Alex was capable of, he knew that he didn't want to be on the wrong side of her. Jasper knew that the two needed to approach her as if she was an injured animal.

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