Chapter Two

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Many advantages came with being a vampire. The speed that Alex possessed was one of the better privileges. She slowly walked around the forest that surrounded Forks. She could understand why her old friend would want to stay in such a place. It is peaceful and quiet in the small town. While walking around Alex familiarized herself with the woods and wildlife in it. The animals were both similar and different from her previous location.

While walking around Alex eventually came upon a clearing. In the clearing, she spotted two people talking. She noticed that the African American man was sparkling in the sun, indicating he was a vampire. Staying back towards the trees Alex watched the two making sure nothing went wrong. Clearly the human girl knew about the supernatural world. The vampire watched the defenseless human, assessing her, making sure she wouldn't run or fight. Alex started to listen to the two's conversation. As she began to listen she heard the vampire talking about killing the girl. 

"She won't be happy about my killing you," the red-eyed vampire said. 

"No Laurent," the young human pleaded. 

"No, no, no. Don't be upset. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully - whereas I'll make it very quick. And you smell so... mouthwatering," the man droned on. Before he can get any closer to the girl Alex ran between the two pushing the vampire away. 

"Come any closer and I'll kill you," Alex hissed. The man didn't listen and began to walk closer to the two women, Alex crouched down preparing to attack. Alex then heard loud thumps on the ground. Listening to the noise more closely, she noticed it sounded like a running stampede. Seconds later her curiosity was answered.

All at once, large wolves jumped into the clearing. Alex swiftly turned around and held the human girl close. She didn't want the young girl to see what the wolves were going to do to the man named Laurent. A brown wolf stopped by Alex and looked at the girl in her arms; quickly the wolf jumped towards the others. While the wolves chased down the man Alex leaned back to check on the girl.

 "Are you okay sweetheart?" Alex questioned. 

Slowly nodding her head the girl replied, "I am better now thanks to you." 

"What's your name sweetie?" Alex asked. 

"My name is Bella, and yours?" she asked. 

"My name is Alexandria, but you can call me Alex," she responded. Bella nodded and shuffled awkwardly out of Alex's arms. Understanding that Bella was more secluded, Alex took a small step back. "Want to tell me how you know Laurent, and why he was so eager to kill you," Alex asked. Kicking her feet, Bella looked down at the ground. 

"It's a long story," Bella grumbled. 

"Well I'm sticking around to look for a friend, so I don't mind listening," Alex said.

 "Do you only eat animals?" Bella questioned abruptly. The sudden question surprised Alex especially seeing who it came from. 

Laughing she replied, "Yes I only drink from animals, and trust me I have been around long enough to control my temptations." Bella felt safe around the new vampire for some unknown reason. She knew she could trust her even if they just met. 

"Alex, would you like to come home with me? I can tell you about Laurent and what I know about vampires," Bella pondered. Alex considered saying no, but something told her Bella would need Alex.

 "Sure Bella let's go," Alex agreed. The two began to walk out of the clearing, and onto Bella's home.

Pulling up to the house, Bella turned off the truck and looked at Alex. 

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