Chapter Three

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"What the hell Bella!" Alex screeched. The sudden aggression from the usual easy-going vampire frightened Bella. She doesn't know what upset Alex, but she knew she didn't like facing Alex's temper. Alex stood straight with her arms folded across her chest, glaring at the human. Not enjoying the stare, Bella looked away. Suddenly she remembered why she left Jacob. Quickly Bella looked around the room. Seconds later she made eye contact with Alice. Alice's face was one of shock as she learned that Bella was alive. 

"How are you alive? I watched you kill yourelf!" Alice exclaimed.

 "What do you mean kill myself?" Bella asked.

 "I watched you jump off a cliff, and I didn't see you get up," Alice spoke.

 Bella replied, "I went cliff jumping, it's a total adrenaline rush. Besides Jacob pulled me out." 

"And why would you jump?" Alice questioned.

 "I just wanted to see something," Bella said sheepishly. Throughout the entire converstaion Alex stood looking between the two, dumbfounded. She couldn't believe what Bella did. Seconds later Jacob ran into the living room. 

"Great just what we need," Alex whispered. "No wonder I couldn't see anything, the mutts make it impossible," Alice commented. That seemed to have aggravate Jacob because he began to growl at Alice. Not liking the threat towards Alice, Alex got between the two and glared Jacob down. That seemed to get to Jacob because he moved back further into the house. Alex knew she had to confront Bella for what she did. Suddenly Alex pulled Bella back towards the front door. Alice watched, in amusement, as Alex stood looking at Bella like a mother scolding her child. She was so caught up listening to the two that she doesn't notice Jacob pick up the phone.

It had all happened fast. A vision began to flash in Alice's head. Stumbling to catch herself, Alice watched as her brother chose to expose himself; there for getting himself killed. That seemed to pull Bella and Alex out of their disagreement. Both ran over too Alice to see what happened. 

"He is going to expose himself. The Volturi are going to deny him, so he is going to force them," Alice whispered. Sadly Alex knew about the Volturi. They were a bunch of power hungry vampires that manipulated the laws to benefit themselves. 

"Why?" Bella asked. 

"He thinks - he thinks you're dead," Alice stuttered. 

"Why does he think that?" Alex asked.

Turning around to look back, Alice replied, "I think a certain mutt had something to do with it." 

"Jacob what did you do?" Bella asked. He shook his head, denying that he did anything. Alex was tired of the lies. She didn't want to expose her gift to Alice, but she knew what Edward meant to Bella. Have decided that Bella was worth the exposure she focused on Jacob. 

"Tell the truth Jacob, what did you do?" Alex grit out. 

Jacob looked Alex in the eye before replying, "Edward called and I told him Charlie was away planning a funeral." 

"Where is he? We need to save him," Bella asked. 

Before Alice could respond Alex spoke first, "We are going to Italy." Bella nodded before walking out of the door with the two vampires.

Before both Bella and Alex can get into the car Jacob ran outside. 

"Why do you have to go?" Jacob questioned. 

"He won't believe Alice. He has to see that I'm alive," Bella replied. Jacob grabbed Bella's arm in an attempt to stop her. 

"He left you, Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember?" Jacob growled. Alex noticed that Jacob's comment hurt Bella. The young girl's face dropped; she turned away from Jacob. 

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