Chapter Four

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Walking into the room Aro stood ready to greet his guests as if they were all old friends. He made his way to the small group that consisted of three gifted vampires and one peculiar human. He stood in front of Alex holding out his hand towards her. 

As they shook hands he spoke up, "My dearest Alex, to what do I owe this visit?" 

"I have come to help a friend," Alex replied. Understanding that the woman meant Bella, Aro looked over at the couple. 

"We will continue this conversation shortly," Aro said before he walked towards Edward and Bella. Making his way to the two he shook Edward's hand. "What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful?" He asked. Marcus' face showed that he didn't care about the situation. Caius on the other hand looked as if Bella was completely underneath him. "Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?" Aro asked. 

"It's not without effort," Edward responded. 

"I can see that," Aro laughed. 

Noticing Bella's face Edward said, "One touch and Aro can see every thought I've ever had in my life." 

"You're quite the telepath yourself, Edward. Though... you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating," Aro said. 

Moving towards Bella, Aro began to think out loud, "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well." Holding on to Bella's hand it only took a few seconds before Aro's face turned to one of confusion. "Interesting," Aro whispered to himself as he made his way to Caius and Marcus. "Let's see if she's immune to all our powers, shall we, Jane?" Aro asked. Before Jane could focus on Bella, Edward ran in front of her. 

"Pain," Jane stated. Edward fell to the floor writhing in immense agony. Jane watched him with a small smile on her face. 

"Stop!" Bella yelled, making Jane lose focus. Alice kneeled down to check on Edward. 

"Jane, dear. The girl?" Aro questioned. 

Before Jane could look at the girl, Alex spoke up, "Jane make Aro feel pain." Swiftly turning around, Jane focused on Aro. The man began to spasm in his chair. None of the guards knew what to do; they don't know whether to take out Alex or Jane. "Stop Jane," Alex demanded.  Finally Aro slumped down into his chair. "Try another 'experiment' Aro and I'll make sure Sulpicia is involved," Alex threatened. Taking an unnecessary gulp Aro subtly nodded towards Alex. Feeling anger towards Alex, Jane prepared to attack but Aro waved her off in fear of his mate's life.

"So what do we do with you now?" Aro pondered. 

"You already know what you'll do, Aro," Marcus stated boredly. 

"She knows too much; she's a liability," Caius spat. 

"That's true. Unless Edward intends to give her immortality... But that's not your intention, is it? Shame," Aro spoke. He nodded towards one of his guards who went towards Bella, but Edward tackled him down. Edward knew he was fighting a losing battle; he just wanted to protect Bella. He knew he could see Felix's moves, but Felix was much stronger than Edward. Felix threw Edward into the ceiling before he was smashed against the floor and kicked him across the room. 

"Stop this! Please!" Bella yelled to Aro. Alice jumped towards Edward in hope  to help but was held back by multiple guards. 

Alex moved to Bella and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry I'll protect Edward." Bella nodded in response. Once Felix flung Edward into the wall Alex made her move. She ran behind Felix, grabbed his neck and threw him over her body. Whilst he laid on the floor Alex grabbed ahold of his ankle and threw him up to the ceiling. As he fell down Alex jumped up to take his head between her hands and slam his head against the floor. Before she could continue her assault on the guard she heard Bella speak to Aro. Bella was on her knees begging to Aro. 

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