/ Mods Bite, InSight, Take Flight, Blinded By The Light /

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#EPISODE 21 - / Mods Bite, InSight, Take Flight, Blinded By The Light /




["It's here!" Subzero began to seem annoyed as the group of five walked through the boggy marsh. It took them days on end to get there.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm5IkOqEVmA)

"No. It's over across the river. Don't you remember?!" Void yelled back as they trudged through the murk and grime. Sora's white dress waved on the mire but remained unstained.

"Please, my friends, stay sane. This is no time to argue," she said calmly to the two.

"This isn't the time to give false information," said Subzero, "We need to find the teleporter and we need to find it, like, yesterday."

"Yeah, but arguing amongst each other ain't gonna make this easier," Drumpf came from the rear. His scepter pushed away the vines that hung from the dying trees.

"I just know it's here. I just know it. It's been so long, but I can feel it," Subzero008 reminisced.

"I still think it's across the way," V0id insisted. McSlayer came up to V0id, Subzero still leading the way, and put V0id into a soft headlock.

"Shh, let him do what he needs to," McSlayer said quietly.

Dumpf turned to McSlayer as he fell in the back of the group. "Dude, how was being trapped in a cube?"

McSlayer shrugged, "I've been through worse. I never got hungry, so that's a plus. There was a couch in there. Got to sleep a lot. Honestly, not the most terrible experience." The dark green draping clothes over his armor whipped in the wind. "Wish Lurker woulda given me a magazine or something to read, the ol' girl."

"Oh... well, that's kinda cool. Not being hungry is perfect for you."

"Yeah, worse part was coming and having an arrow nock deep into my chest, that was pretty weird," the Kellco barbarian laughed deeply.

"We're sure lucky for Sora. Love you, girl."

With a lazy peace sign, she smiled slightly, and tilted her head slowly.

They hunted and felt around the bottom of the murky quagmire. For miles they culled through the cold and water, trying to hunt for any remembrances or landmarks. Then, eventually, one was spotted.

"There! There!" Subzero yelled out, as he ran through the shallow waters up to a tree and felt the bark. It was an access code. A several digit long access code that was impossible to memorize. He knew where the teleportation platform was from there. 15 yards back, southeast of this tree.

"Oh, thank heavens!" shouted GhostofSora, "Hey, what do you know? It was across the river the whole time." Subzero looked up, and indeed, they were on the eastern side of the river. Somehow they had crossed a bridge without his realization. V0id came up to him smirking and patted him on the back.

"Good thing we didn't bet on it."

"You got lucky- I'm tired," Subzero responded. They all walked up to the platform that sat on a gnoll just peeking out of the water. As they started their small climb up to the platform, SubZero turned to the party.

"Guys, before we get in there I just wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate this. This meeting that I thought would never happen again." He pulled out a small scroll from underneath his tunic. "I believe this is one of the greatest things we could do for The Meta. Today, we make The Meta proud! I believe today, we make ourselves proud!" He began reading off the incantation from the scroll, as he read more words a sheen glimmering light surrounded all the party members. It started from their feet and surround their legs until it dissipated at their heads. The scroll in Subzero's hand burned and crumbled to the floor.

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