Waitress (2016 Original Broadway Musical)

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"Oh yES!" Marvin moaned loudly. "tHIS IS THE BEST FUCKING CHEESECAKE I'VE HAD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE." He screamed, startling the entire restaurant.
"Jesus," grumbled Whizzer, "scream a little louder then the whole block will know."

Marvin nodded, taking his words into consideration. "Great suggestion, Whizz-Whizz." He then proceded to scream about cheesecake until Whizzer had to manually fucking stuff a cloth napkin in his mouth to muffle the yelling so they wouldn't get kicked out.
"God it's only been 3 months, and you've become such a pain in the ass, Marvin." Whizzer agitatedly stated. Marvin spat out the gag and chugged some water to counter the dryness in his mouth from the napkin. He wiped his mouth and countered his partner. "Um, actually Whizz-Whizz, It's been 4 months, and-"

"um, mister..?" A waitress had now appeared at their side, awkwardly glancing at them. "There are some complaints from the other tables and they want you to quiet down a bit."
Whizzer flushed in embarrassment and died. "we-wELL, misSUs, whY dOn't YOu teLL thEM tO stOp digGIng InTo oUr busINESses AnD MiND thEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!" Marvin shouted, after chugging the entire wine glass he had ordered once they got seated.

The waitress blinked at them, a bit startled at Marvin's outburst but gained her composure again otherwise.
"I'm sorry misters, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She said politely with a frown. Whizzer whipped out his wallet and took out a fifty dollar bill and shoved it in the waitress's face.
"I'm so sorry about my friend, miss. He just gets drunk easily, and likes to yell when he's not in control of his actions- here take this for your troubles." She grabbed it hesitantly, as if he were to change his mind half way through her reaching for it. Once she had the money in her possession, Whizzer abruptly stood up and grabbed his things, sliding on his coat.

He moved to the other side of the table where his boyfriend was sitting there dozing off already.
"u-um sir!" The waitress yelped suddenly, while Whizzer was in the middle of dragging Marvin off of the chair. He hummed in response, sparing a glance in her way.
"Thanks for the money, but I cannot accept it."
she responded sadly. Whizzer had Marvin in his grip and had him nearly in a standing position by now (he was REAL fucking heavy bro) but dropped him and turned to the waitress.

"What?" He looked at her, incredulous at her response to his fucking charity. He heard Marvin groan from the floor. 'I'll get him later.' he noted in his head.
"It's against my family morals, sir." She explained, handing him the money.
"What kind of fucking morals does your family go by?!" He said, stubbornly stuffing the money back into her hand.

"It's called being polite- and in my family we dont like being in debt to people." They kept shoving it in each other's hands until Whizzer finally SHISHTER SNAPPED and grabbed her black apron, opened a pocket, and shoved the money in there and booked it out of the restaurant, dragging an unconscious Marvin behind him to his car.


"So that's what happened when I passed out?" Marvin asked, laying on their bed with his body aching and his head throbbing with a barfing bucket in hand. Whizzer nodded, and Marvin mumbled, "Well that explains where all those bruises came from."
He suddenly felt a large burst of nausea before shoving his head in the barf bucket and started coughing up his dinner. Whizzer patted his back and sighed.
"You've thrown up so much its almost as if you were preg-" He didn't get to finish his sentence, due to Marvin ceasing his retching and throwing his barf bucket at Whizzer.


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