The gay trip

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"Tennis? Seriously Whizzer? Wh- Actually, right now, try to imagine a gayer sport, come on." Marvin challenged with a small frown.
"It won't hurt to try, Marvin." Whizzer stated, not looking up from sifting through their weekly mail that had just arrived that morning.
"Actually Whizzer," Marvin started, "It will hurt tremendously, so much, that it also bruises my diginty along with the broken nose I obtain from the ball nailing me right in the center of my face." He ranted, slorping on his black coffee halfway through.
'I will still never understand how he can withstand plain coffee.' Whizzer thought, ignoring his lover's rants. As much as Whizzer loved Marvin, his lover could get close to Whizzer's tipping point very easily sometimes. Especially when Whizzer comes home from the idiots at work.
'Jesus,' He thinks, while imagining the day set out for him at his workplace.
"-my son." Whizzer snapped his head to look back up at his lover and looked at ˙ ͜ʟ˙ him confused. Marvin sighed, "Were you even listening?" He asks with a deflated tone.
Whizzer grinned at him sheepishly.
"" Marvin slapped himself on the face and muttered under his breath, "For fucks sake.." He removed his hand from his face and looked at Whizzer.
"I SAID; We're going to visit my son and ex wife for dinner this weekend." Whizzer felt a wave of shock zyoom through his mind, before the tea™️ that he sipped came dribble wibbling out his mouth into the table.

Marvin let out a cry of shock at the liquid being splattered everywhere. "Wtaht the fuck man?!" he asked, while standing up. He quickly gathered everything on the table close to Whizzer so it wouldn't be soaked by the tea™️. "I'm scared úwù." Whizzer said, dying inside as you wine and dine and im trying not to cry cus theres nothin that ur mind cant do uwu

"It will be fine," Marvin reassured, not actually meaning it because his son would most likely pepper spray Whizzer on sight. Whizzer scoffed and threw the rest of the tea on Marvin.

"I don't take word from anyone who yells yeet as they ejaculate." Marvin gaped at him. "It was one time!"


"Jason, throw away that pepper spray!" Trina scolded, crossing her arms. His shoulders drooped in disappointment. She sighed when Jason ran to his room to put it away as he muttered about how it was unjust.

"It's just your father and his friend," Trina reassured.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Sure. Sounds pretty fuckin' gay to me, mom." Trina smacked him lightly on the side of the head, but the thought that Jason had just implanted inside her mind swirled around. She felt lightheaded.

'He can't be a homo,' Trina tried to reassure herself. 'After all, we married, and we also had a child.'

Trina thought back to when they were both happy and young. When she first met Marvin, sparks were sent down her spine whenever he touched her, and she could feel the genuine love coming off of him in literal waves whenever he looked at her. They even both had the exact same soulmate mark. Their shared soulmate mark was a spaget plate, with a knife stabbed into the pasta. Of course the old mark had long vanished from her bicep, but she could still somehow look at the spot where it used to lay, and feel it ache slightly, as if it knew the divorce was one of the worst experiences in her life.

She looked over her shoulder to see Jason reading a dictionary on the couch, while his pepper spray was hidden horribly in his sleeve, where everyone could see.

Despite her useless self reassurance, she still felt a giagantic weight form in her stomach as she kept trying to get their small two bedroom two bathroom house in it's best condition.



Whizzer felt immense stress at this point. He was going to meet his lover's ex wife for fuck's sake! He screamed silently in his head for a moment while Marvin repeatedly punched the door bell, probably aiming to break it.

The door suddenly opened, and a smol child- presumably 9? 10? Shoved a whole can of pepper sray in their faces and looking at them with a look that basically said, 'I dare you to move another inch, bitch try me.'

Whizzer looked at him and wondered what Marvin's ex wife fed him.

As for looks, he was basically a mirror image of his father at his age from the pictures Marvin showed him in their spare time. He was wearing one those basic shirts that normal children would wear- (which are too simplistic and ugly in Whizzer's opinion) Smol child wasn't budging from his spot, and still pointing the pepper spray in their faces until Marvin took initiative and said that we had presents for the child, which they went shopping for the previous day. The smol child, 'Jason' only let them in once they actually showed they had presents for him.
Whizzer took a step in the house and saw it was freakishly clean. If he tried hard enough, Whizzer was sure he would be able to see his reflection from even the wool blankets.

It was in this moment, Whizzer knew, he fucked up by coming here.

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