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I slid my jeans up, grabbing my zipper and zipping up them up before buckling my belt. I flipped my wrist. 7am

"You're leaving?" Kandice questioned while my eyes roamed her chest, in that baby blue lace bra

Damn, I bit my lip

"Yes baby I'm leaving I have a class at 9." I said truthfully snapping out of the tiddy trance

"Sounds boring. We could do something way more exciting." She winked

I shook my head slowly, pulling my t-shirt over my head.

"You have 2 hours we'll be done by then. I promise you." She smiled "but you gotta gimme a round two."

I chuckled "You're gonna make me late for class love. Plus I couldn't ask you to do that for me You have school in an hour. You're probably hella busy with work too and-"

She grabbed a fist full of my shirt pushing her lips onto mine. How could I say no to her?


Transferring here had to be the best thing thus far even after my first class I was feeling smarter. I made sure to speak to my professors. Call me a kiss ass or whatever but in order to pass I had to get on their good side. Seriously.

I pushed open the door to my Literature class. My eyes landed on the professor. He looked extremely young. As well as extremely sexy.

"Damn." I mumbled checking him out shamelessly

I could see his muscles through that white button up. His perfect pink lips. That ass in those pants. He made me shiver.

I snapped out of it walking towards the middle row of seats.

"Hello class glad to see returning students back for the second semester, as well as some fresh new faces," he made eye contact with me smiling "I hope we can all get along and make this is as easy as possible. For those of you who don't know, my name is Mr.Powers." He pointed to his name written out in white chalk on the old school black board

"Mr.Powers." I whispered in attempt to feel his name rattle off my tongue

I felt silly. Blushing & going about like this was still high-school. I struggled to take good notes. His deep voice distracting me as well as his toned body.

I thought about how old he must be 23 or 24 give or take a few. I also thought who gives a damn.

"Class dismissed." The scuffling of chairs shoved me back into the real world. Half the class had already left and Mr.Powers back was turned, erasing notes from the lesson off of the board. I fumbled with my note book and pens, finally getting a firm grip on them and my purse. I nervously and cautiously turned towards the steps trying not to catch his attention. I was the last one in class.

I kept my eyes on the door hitting the desk with my hip causing the notebook and pens to fly out of my hand. "Damn it." I cursed. My voice echoed off of the walls of the gigantic empty room covering my mouth immediately as Mr.Powers turned to face me

Way to go.

"Are you okay?" He rushed towards me

"I'm fine." I assured him, my cheeks burning, I grabbed my pen and notebook trying to regain my balance but nearly falling again at the sudden pain spreading at my hip bone area. He caught me in his arms gripping each side of me.

I gripped his firm arm standing my self up & trying my best to ignore the pain. " Thank you I'm fine though really." I looked away trying to avoid his eyes as it seemed he was trying to do the complete opposite

Professor PowersWhere stories live. Discover now