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The door next to me opens and I quickly wipe the tears off my cheeks and turn away from him.

"Are you okay?"

I chuckle wiping my cheeks more. "Yes I'm fine. And I definitely managed to look like a fool in front of you twice today so great."

"You don't look like a fool Devin."

I roll my eyes "If not a fool then a dumbass."

He shakes his head

"This night was a mistake. Coming here with Bryce was a mistake." I take a long blink letting tonights events flash through my head

Traffic seems to get heavy as we approach the highway. Atlanta traffic. Now we're stuck.

"Everybody makes mistakes Devin. Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."

"Are you quoting Ghandi right now?" I cant help but to let a small smile spread across my face

"Okay someone knows their stuff." He smiles looking over at me "I'm impressed. Most girls can't even keep up when I start quoting writers its always Keith you're so lame."

"Yeah its hard to hold a conversation with some substance these days." I agree

I seem to get lost in those eyes again. I look down to avoid the intense eye contact.

"Thank you for saving me Mr.Powers." I say softly

He nods slowly "It's not hard to see why Bryce would be so adamant about being with you."

I look up with hot cheeks & just as I start to reply a loud honks interrupts me making Keith continue down the road again.

I decide to stay silent for the rest of the ride. Letting my ears completely listen to the Miguel song in the background.

We pull up at the dorms & of course they're jumping, its a Saturday. "Which dorm?" Keith questions

"Dorm A." I reply pointing forward

He parks & unbuckles his seat belt I look at him, my face laced with confusion.

"I'm walking you up if thats fine."

He doesn't wait for a reply as he gets out and goes to open my door.

"Thank you."

I cant figure out if he's flirting or being a gentlemen.

I led him up to my dorm.

"Thanks again." I say facing him & turning my back towards the door

"My pleasure. You stay safe."

"You too." I smile it gets silent and the atmosphere intensifies & just as I think I'm about to lock lips with professor Powers his phons chimes

Damn it

"I gotta go see you later Devin." He says answering it and heading down the steps


My phone ringed and of course it was Kandace.

"You home?" She questioned

"No I-"

"Where are you?" She questioned cutting me off

"I dropped a friend off at home I'm on my way back what's up?"

"I thought we were still on for tonight."

"Oh yeah -"

"Oh yeah? Keith if you don't want me to come I'll just-"

"Kandace I didn't say that just let yourself in I'll be there in a few."

"Okay daddy I'll be waiting."

The line clicked. Usually Kandaces' words excited me & they still do but not as much because it seemed like Devin was still on my mind. I was wondering why in the hell would she be out with Bryce's dumbass. Last year he was just barely getting by in my class.

I'm just glad she's safe heaven forbid he hurt her.

I then thought back to him mentioning she was a virgin and how he had to have that while I was shoving him into the taxi.

My lips curled up. A virgin. I chuckled admiring her. Being a virgin in college was something most girls in college couldn't relate to. I thought it was cute. A virgin in college. I repeated to myself then shook my head.

"Stop being a creep Keith." I said aloud while pulling up at my spot next to Kandace's little blue bug.

I closed and locked my car door and made my way up the path to my front door and twisted the knob. As expected she left the door unlocked for me. Slow music was playing & it was dark.

"Kandace?" I questioned when I couldn't see her anywhere

"I'm in the kitchen." She said in a singsongy voice

I sat my bag down on the couch and slowly walked into the kitchen. My eyes widened as hers narrowed in on me. She had on baby blue lace lingerie that connected into a one piece but there where holes that exposed her most sensitive places. Her legs where crossed as she sat on my kitchen table, she swayed then.

I imagined Devin for a quick second. God forgive.

"Come here Keith."

I bit my lip. Inching closer to her. She had a whip cream bottle in her hand and ice in a bowl next to her.

"Are we about to eat?" I questioned with a chuckle

She grabbed my waist pulling me closer, whispering in my ear as her fingers start unbuckling my belt "Were not but you are."

She grabbed a couple ice cubes & put them in her mouth and she climbed down off the table & got on her knees.

"Kandace wha-"

She looked up into my eyes and shushed me. So I closed my eyes & let her do her thing.

To be continued..

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