4- "I was so fucking worried!"

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*10 years later, Peter and MJ are married and have a child, Ben*

"C'mon, Peter! Answer!" Michelle whispered while calling her husband for the sixth time. It was 1 a.m. and he didn't answered.

As soon as she heard the voicemail, she threw the cellphone to the couch.
She couldn't handle it anymore.
All those night patrols worried her.
What if he got injured? Or worse?
She wouldn't be able to live without him. She wouldn't be able to raise a child on her own. She wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of not warning him about the danger he was being exposed to.
Just imagining a world without Peter made Michelle fall apart. Her eyes started to flood of tears and her cheeks were soaked instantly. 

"Mommy?" Ben asked, getting into the room with a spider-man teddy trapped in his little arms.

"Yeah?" She answered, sniffing and wiping her tears away.

"Why are you crying?" He said while climbing the bed.

"I'm worried about daddy..."

"Because he's spider-man?" Even though Ben was only five years old, he was very intelligent.

"Yeah..." she responded, while ruffling his curly hair and staring at his chocolate eyes.

He was the perfect mix between Peter and Michelle. He got her hair and her nose and his eyes and his lips. His skin tone was a mixture of her's and his'.
Ben also got her curiosity and Peter's puppy dog look (which made his mother melt of cuteness).

"Why don't you call grandpa Tony?" As Tony and Peter had a father-son relationship, Stark was like a grandfather to Ben. He often took his 'grandson' to visit the compound and play in the labs (while being supervised).

"I don't want to bother him, he may be doing some important work" actually, Tony was just lying on his couch watching 'Friends', but Michelle didn't know this.

"Oh... what can I do to help you, mommy?"

"I'm afraid you can't do anything, sweetie. We have to wait."

Michelle was now freaking out. It was around 1:40 in the morning and she still couldn't find her husband. She had called him at least fifteen times and he hadn't answered any of those.

After thinking a little bit, she decided to call Tony. He was now 58 years old, and he didn't fight at big battles, but he was still Iron man and she knew that he would help her.

"Please answer..." she prayed while crossing her fingers "Plea-"

"Hey!" Tony said while eating a slice of pizza.

"Thank God you answered!"

"Yeah, yeah... you interrupted my Netflix & chill session so this has to be very important"

"Peter's missing" she didn't hear anything like 'what?!' or 'shit!', there was just silence.

Few seconds later Michelle heard him say: "Ok, kid, I'll track his suit" he said "Meanwhile, call him."

"I already tried that. Fifteen times. And i left seven voice messages. I don't thi-"

"Just call him, alright? If I cannot track his suit then I'll use your call to locate him."

All she could do was obey. Michelle sighed, What more could I loose? "Ok..."

She called him once more. And this time he answered.
After sighing in relief, she started shouting.

"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?! I WAS SO WORRIED OMG YOU CAN'T IMAGINE HOW MUCH I CRIED!" Tony heard all of those because Michelle hadn't ended the call, so he just pressed the red button and continued watching 'Friends'.

"MICHELLE I'M SO SORRY! I CAN EXPLAIN!" He sounded nervous.


"Mommy, are you and daddy fighting?" The sudden voice of her child surprised her.

"No, honey, we're just talking. Go play with your Lego's" she smiled at him and turned to the phone.




"I'M AT THE HOSPITAL!" Her heart sunk. Was he alright? Was he injured? What happened?

"What?" Her voice softened.

"Yeah, I got a call from my Aunt's neighbor saying he had found her fainted in the hallway before you called me fifteen times. I went to May's house as soon as possible, I changed clothes and drove her to the nearest hospital" he explained.

"Oh, Peter I'm so sorry! But why didn't you answered my phone calls?"

"Because I left the suit and my phone at May's. I just came from her house because I was fetching some food for her to eat. I'm so sorry, M, I didn't want to worry you!" (A/N: btw, he calls her M because she is no longer Michelle Jones -MJ- she's Michelle Parker)

"It's fine, Pete. It wasn't your fault" after thinking a little bit she said: "I'm going to the hospital"

"No! No, M, please stay at home"

"There's no way I'm staying here, Peter! I... I just want to hug you and kiss you so bad! I was so fucking worried!" She confessed, tearing up again.

Peter heard her voice crack. "Shh, honey, don't cry... it's ok, come here..."

"On my way" she sniffed.

"And one more thing..." he added.


"I love you so much..."

She smiled, "I love you too, sweetie..."

A/N: Hey! Here's a new update! I already posted today but I was inspired!
This chapter's a little shorter but I think it's cute...
I hope you'd liked it! Please vote and comment if so, it would help me a lot!
918 words ❤

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