5- Under the mistletoe

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Peter POV

After some hours of watching a Star Wars marathon, Peter picked up his phone. He was about to put it down when a text popped up in the screen. It was from Ned.

The guy in the chair: Hey man! R u going to Flash's party?

Spidah-mahn: Which party?

T.G.I.T.C.: Flash's Christmas party! He invited all the decathlon team and some people.

S.M.: "Some people" mean the whole damn school, right?

T.G.I.T.C.: Probably. Anyway, MJ said she was going.

S.M.: MJ? Going to a party? The last party she assisted was almost one year ago!

T.G.I.T.C.: Idk, dude, maybe it's bc it's Christmas...

S.M.: K, I'm going

T.G.I.T.C.: Great, It's 9 to 12.

After reading that, Peter started to get changed. Once he was ready, he headed to the kitchen.

"Good bye, May! I'm going to a Christmas party. It's not too far from here so you don't have to drive me." He said, waving at his aunt.

"K, honey! Larb you!" She answered.

"Larb you too!" He responded, closing the door.

Once he arrived to the bully's house, he saw lots of teenage couples making out under the mistletoes that were hanging on the doors. The single people were dancing drunkly on the dance floor.
On the other hand, Flash was dancing on a table while drinking something that seemed like vodka.

How the fuck his parents allow this to happen? He thought, making his way though the sweaty, drunk crowd.
When he finally got out of it, he bumped onto someone.

"Sorry" he said. When he looked up, Peter found himself face to face with Betty.

"Oh! Hi Peter! Come with me" she answered, pulling him

"Um... May I ask where are we going?"

"No" She said roughly in response.

"Ok..." Peter was worried, however he didn't let go.

After they went through lots of corridors, they stoped beneath a door frame.

"Stay here, Imma grab something" after saying that, she walked away.

Wtf? Ok, that was weird, Peter thought Why did she bring me here?

He looked at his surroundings to find something to answer that question.
Once he finished scanning by his sides, he looked up, and then he understood it all. There was a mistletoe hanging on the door frame.
DAMN! Peter thought while his eyes opened widely I must get out of here!

He'd had a crush on MJ ever since Liz moved from Queens. He never told anyone excepting Ned, but, somehow, people knew and they were trying to get him and MJ together.
Even though he obviously wanted to be with her, Peter didn't know if she felt the same. And if that was the case, he would never (EVER) force her to like him. So he decided to scape.

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