An Avalance Christmas

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She couldn't sleep.

Sara tossed and turned in her bed for God knows how long. No, really, only God knows since time doesn't pass in the temporal zone.

It was Christmas and she wasn't spending it with Ava. Ava had a last minute problem at the Bureau, meaning that she couldn't be home in time for the holidays with her girlfriend. And it really upset both of them considering that it would've been their first Christmas holiday together.

With a final sigh, Sara decided to get up out of bed. She grabbed her time courier from her nightstand, punched in the coordinates for 11:55 on December 24, 2018, to their shared apartment. She opened the portal and stepped through, the apartment being completely dark when she closed the portal behind her and stood in the hallway. Well, not completely.

The captain furrowed her brow as she saw a small amount of light coming around the corner, as well as the smell of "Pine?" she muttered to herself. She softly stepped on the wood silently on guard to not be heard and turned the corner to see a Christmas tree, no taller than six feet, standing in the middle of the living room, decorated with lights, ornaments, even the star on top. Hell, there were even a few presents under the tree.

Sara's jaw dropped slightly at the sight so her mouth was agape the slightest. "Wow," she whispered. Her facial features soon went back into confusion. If Ava worked non-stop, then how...? Sara looked down at her courier. "One can do some things with this." She decided to try and see if luck was on her side and decided to go upstairs to hopefully find her girlfriend there.

Sara's hand fell from the banister once she reached the top of the stairs and took in the small fairy lights that were strung near the ceiling. She chuckled to herself, the lights taking her back to her childhood when she, her sister, and father would all hang up Christmas fairy lights in Laurel and Sara's shared room so that they were more festive in their privacy.

The former assassin reached the end of the hall where her and Ava's room was, the door closed, but not quite all the way, as there was some faint light poking out of it. Sara pushed the door open and had to stifle her chuckles at the sight of what was before her:

Ava was sound asleep on their bed, the sheet only halfway on her body with her Bureau hoodie on. Some more Christmas fairy lights were hanging above the bedframe, illuminating the room with a faint cheery glow.

Sara smiled as she walked over and crawled as careful as she could into the bed, cuddling her girlfriend, smiling at her mixed scent of pine and lilies.

Ava blinked her eyes open a bit at the sudden weight drop in the bed and the arms around her. She jumped a bit at the sudden realization, ready to fight her way out of it. "Easy, easy, it's me." Ava automatically relaxed at the soft voice and the reassuring strokes of her thumbs on her sides, closing her eyes again, ready to drift back off to sleep.

When she was on the brink of going back to her land of dreams, she realized what happened. "No, babe," she whined, turning over to see her girlfriend through her sleepy vision. "You weren't-"

"Let me guess," Sara interrupts quietly and softly. "You got finished work early on Christmas Eve, saw that you had no decorations up around the apartment, and decided not to tell me that you finished early because you wanted to surprise me."

Ava yawned, saying through it, "Yeah, that's- that's exactly what I did."

"And you got tired from your insane workload and all the decorating you did." Sara smiled as her girlfriend cuddled more into her chest.

"The insane workload, yes. The decorating just added more-" Ava stopped talking to yawn again. "Okay, yeah, both." She looked up at the blonde assassin who had a smile on her face. "Do you like it?"

"I love it." Ava smiled as her girlfriend pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Don't think I didn't see the mistletoe you placed on the ceiling." 

Ava looked up at the ceiling where, indeed, was a sprig of mistletoe on the ceiling, before looking back at her girlfriend with a sheepish smile. "It's tradition."

"You just want to kiss me."

"That's not a bad thing," Ava muttered before pressing her lips to Sara's, giving her a lingering kiss before she collapsed tiredly back into her arms. "Merry Christmas," she whispers once she's set in a comfortable position.

"Merry Christmas," Sara echoes, pressing a kiss to the top of Ava's head, soon being able to finally fall asleep with the comfort of her girlfriend, right as the clock turned midnight on Christmas Day.

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