May We Meet Again - Clexa

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so my friend Jen (I love her) she roped me into The 100 and I love Clexa and I miss Lexa, my Commander Raccoon Eyes. So she gave me the following prompt:

Jen: You know what would be the gayest scene that ever gayed? If Clarke does die in 7x16 (the show's final episode) and they bring Alycia back and then Clarke and Lexa meet up in the flame and Clarke is like "Lexa?" And Lexa is like "I've been waiting Clarke." And then it just ends. I would die.


I would die as well

Jen: Imagine if it ended with them kissing

so yeah, even though I'm not completely up to date with the show (I'm on 5x07 after like a month or two of starting?) Ima just do what I can, so Clexa and 100 fans, don't attack me.

Clarke's world is dark. She doesn't see, hear, nor feel anything. She tries to call out, but can't feel her mouth or even know if she still has one to speak out of. She wonders if everyone else lived because of her. She's not quite sure if she's breathing either, but she guesses it doesn't matter if she doesn't know what's going on as she's felt torn between wanting to live and wanting to die, but she hopes she's alive right now.

She wonders if her friends and her mom are okay. That's all she's ever wanted after all these hellish years. Just for them to be safe and no more threats.

But there's a difference from the space and the ground.

In space, they didn't have to worry... much. Until the people knew they were running out of oxygen, life on The Ark was peaceful and ideal, none of the chaos that the ground had before the apocalypse.

That's when she starts to feel it.

She feels... wet.

They felt like small droplets of rain, only they weren't coming from above. Light, delicate, trails down the sides of her face, down her cheeks and falling, feeling the trails that were left behind. the tears that were initiated from her thoughts. 

Then a small breeze blows over her and she hears leaves rustling from the wind. She feels her toes twitching, then her fingers, and a small yawn escapes and she's fully aware now that she indeed is alive and well.

Clarke opens her eyes and is met with a bright light that she shields with her hand, using the other to feel that she was lying on cement, standing up and wiping the tears away, looking around at her surroundings.

"The City of Light?" she murmurs, then realizes that— 

"I'm in the Flame," she gasps. The survivor notices that she's where she was when she first arrived and yet, the main square of the City of Light was empty and quiet. It was slightly dark, overcast, no chatter nor people around.

"Lexa." Clarke ran around the streets and buildings, trying to find which way was the right way to where she last saw the commander, the emptiness of it making it so much easier.

She stopped herself and looked around the square. "The stairs..." She remembers Lexa flying in out of nowhere and stopping Alie's followers from getting to her.

"Alleyway." Clarke runs down the street as fast as she can, skidding to a stop across the now-gravel road here the fence to her right lead to a dead end.

And right where the door was before, sat Lexa. Her head was bowed, swords next to her, sheathed away as she sat cross-legged.

"Lexa." At her name and the voice, she glanced up in surprise. Clarke somewhat chuckled and smiled at her shocked expression.

Then her face turns slowly into a smile and a small laugh escapes her. And it grows as she gets up and the two run to each other, meeting halfway in a strong hug, the commander lifting the blonde off the ground as she twirls her in the air, both of them crying and laughing mixed together. 

When Lexa sets her down, she wipes the tears from Clarke's face and holds it in her palms as she smiles with happiness. "I've missed you so much."

"I've been waiting for you." Lexa meets her halfway in a passionate kiss, tasting the saltiness from the tears and feeling complete bliss from missing the taste and warmth of her lover.

"I'm sorry I never said it back," Lexa gasps, keeping her close and cupping her cheeks. "I love you, Clarke. I love you, I love you, I—" She inhales sharply when Clarke's lips are back on hers, slightly stumbling with her.

Clarke rests her forehead on the brunette's, brushing back her hair behind her ears and smiling at her. "I know you do. As do I."

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