Snowfall (Random GxG X-Reader)

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You laughed at Emma's story as you two walked down the closed-off street of a town, specifically closed off for entertainment, hand in hand, as you two just started dating. It was the first day of winter, so everyone around you was bundled up. You were in your dark blue camo coat with your gray scarf and black beanie matching perfectly with it, Emma in a gray coat and a red scarf dangling loosely around her neck. You were walking down to the Starbucks on the other end of the street from where your Chinese lunch just ended minutes ago.

You chuckled after your laughs. "So you freaked out underwater just because there were sharks around you and no one could hear your screams?" You just had to ask for clarification at how ridiculously hilarious the story sounded.

"I'm chicken, I know," Emma replied, chuckling with you. "Bahamas were fun, though. I just wish I could've stuck you in my suitcase with me," she teased you, knocking her hip with yours.

"It probably would've been more fun, huh?" you asked with a grin.

"Well, yeah. If I knew we were gonna end up here," she drew out, pulling back to twirl you in the middle of the street, making you giggle at the movement. "Then it would've been perfect in the Bahamas." Now, you two stopped moving, standing in the street, both of you could see your breaths vaporizing together in the cold, frigid air.

Since you were a bit taller than her, you noticed it first. "Hey, look up." Both of you did what you said and smiled at the flurries of white that were coming down fast from the grayed skies above.

"First snow of winter." You looked back down at her and saw the flurries catching in her hair, making her golden blonde waves more artistic. 

"You're beautiful," you whisper, touching the flakes of snow in her hair, the snow almost immediately melting at your touch as you brush her hair behind her ear, her cheeks slightly turning redder than they are from the cold.

"Are you trying to smooth talk me so that you can kiss me?" Emma asks you with a smirk.

"Maybe," you return with a coy smile.

"Good, because I want to kiss you, too." 

A/N: Oof, yeah, I did that. Let your minds run free lol

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