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Chapter 1.

Mystic falls. Her life started here, both the mortal and immortal. Everything had happened here. This was the place where she had lost everything. She walked towards the famous little place called mystic grill and ordered a drink.

20 years and the grill still felt the same. 20 years ago, she had left her town to find peace. But peace was as far away as the distance between her and her home town. She sighed. She couldn't be here. This place held to many memories. And right now, they were all back. She clutched the table and waited for herself to calm down.

After a while, she stood up and went to her house. She rung the door bell and an old lady opened. "Hi mom", she said. The old woman couldn't believe it was her daughter at her door-step. She came forward and hugged her, "Caroline."

The two started talking and told each other what had their life been like. Finally after all the stories had been shared, Caroline asked, "Who all are still here?" "Jeremy and Bonnie are living at Sheila's house. They come, visit me every Saturday. Stefan and Elena came for Alaric's 16th b'day, but that was two years ago. They'll probably be back this year for his graduation. Damon comes to meet once every year.", Liz Forbes replied. Caroline smiled. His mother and Damon had different kind of friendship. She missed all of them. She wanted to meet them but didn't know how would they react. She was scarred that they would hate her for leaving them. "Don't worry. It's late. Rest now and we can go meet Bonnie tomorrow.", Liz said with a small smile. Caroline nodded and walked towards her old room. Without turning on the lights she went on her bed and drifted of.

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