248 7 1

i had been experiencing winter.

that is, until you came along.

lowercase intended for story title
and description. the story will
also be written in lowercase.

warning(s) : mild language
used in certain chapters.



i am not affiliated to furudate haruichi
or any of the creators of haikyuu!!.

this book is a work of fiction. all names,
characters (excluding those from
haikyuu!!), locations, and incidents are
products of the writer's imagination, or
have been used fictitiously and are not to
be conceived as real. any resemblance to
persons, living or dead, actual events,
locales, or organisations are entirely



here's the (very extra) birthday special i've been itching to write ever since i've listened to got7's 'miracle' :D

this will be a short story with short chapters, and i'll release a chapter a day all the way until my bday (so yes, the last chap will be released on my bday)!! also, this will be written in kageyama's pov (i hope this will go well since it's been a while since i've written in 1st person pov)

anywho, i hope you guys will enjoy it!! ♡


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#547 in hq / 200319
#1000 in kageyama / 070419
#161 in hq / 160619
#56 in hq / 130320


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