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i still remember
the green stars that fell on my dark sky
you came to me and built up in my heart, becoming a dazzling milky way


one time you caught me by myself, after i'd accidentally yelled at hinata, to stop being such a dumbass and to stop thinking for me by thinking everything was easy for me. because no, it sure as hell wasn't.

you were staying back late due to a executive committee meeting for your club and were leaving when you saw me leaving the gym. you, being ever the cheerful person you were, came over to say hi.

at first, i didn't want to talk to you. i was scared that i would lash out at you when everything was just me, just my fault. but i still said hi anyway, and we left school together.

while walking together, you said something was off about me and you asked me if i was okay. of course i wasn't. but i lied anyway.

you managed to see through that lie though, and you persisted, trying to make me fess up.

i snapped.

i yelled at you, said you were being an annoying little shit and told you that this was none of your business, why were you such a busybody? also, that you should fuck off and not talk to me.

that made you all the more persistent, telling me to shut up and listen. you said keeping everything to oneself was bad and that opening up was good. you said you were there to listen to me and you weren't going to judge.

who were you kidding? everyone judges.

i told you this didn't have anything to do with you and you didn't know me at all. to think you gave me a lecture when you only knew my name and that i play volleyball!

you said you knew me. you knew me enough. you knew which junior high i went to. you knew what kind of person i was then. and you knew what happened to me in my third year which was my huge wake-up call.

you said it doesn't matter whether you knew me to that level. it doesn't matter whether we're close. you said you were there to listen wholeheartedly.

that was enough for me. for me to open up, to tell you what happened, to put my biggest fears into your welcoming hands.

because at that moment, i believed we could brave it through together.

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