when it happened

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when it happened.

two;when it happened

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WHEN IT HAPPENED, I was wearing a pale blue sweater. This pale blue sweater was my favorite piece of clothing, for it was the perfect size to where it hung loosely around my body but didn't look bad with the skinny jeans I had on. It was woven from a thick, soft thread that kept me warm even against the bitter, winter chill that New York offered. This particular sweater even held sentimental meaning, which may seem silly for it was simply an article of clothing. Every time I wore this blue sweater, something good happened to me that day. I considered it my good luck charm, and so whenever I needed an extra boost of motivation, I threw the sweater on.

The date was January eleventh. The sweater wrapped my body in a comforting warmth as I sit in the back of a taxi, extremely squished as I shared the small space with Liam and Christi. My father, David, was seated in the front seat next to the cab driver, the two men making polite conversation as the ride progressed.

My family was on our way to celebrate Liam's tenth birthday. Double digits were a serious deal for my family, and we all agreed that it was a big deal and worthy of immense celebration. Therefore, Liam had chosen a restaurant to go live it up at, a very beloved joint in the heart of Manhattan: Chuck E. Cheese's.

I remember how excited he was that morning. He was wearing a brand new collared shirt, one that made him truly feel like a 'big kid.' However, he was still wearing his favorite watch, one that was quite juvenile but adorable nonetheless. I had helped him pick it out months prior. It had a red band that stretched around his wrist, and on the dial was an illustration of his favorite masked, red and blue superhero.

The only sounds in the car were the muffled radio music and the conversation between my dad and the driver. My head rested against the window, the cold from outside chilling a single patch on my forehead. Eyes watching as the scenery of the city whirred by in a blur of colors and lights, I contemplated how much my life had changed in the past year.

Everything had fallen into place somehow. It was as if I had finally found my place. I used to think I had everything figured out, that my life was going in a certain direction and I would always be this specific person but now, it was almost like I didn't even know who I was becoming anymore. But not in a bad way. No, it was a beautiful thing to not know what the future held. To wonder about what new experiences would come my way and how different situations would change my perspective. To be able to look at my life and welcome the unexpected surprises, not run from them.

I had everything I wanted. I had a family that I adored, an unbreakable friendship, and a true love that I held so closely to my heart. I had a chance at a bright future and a new sense of adventure with each continuing day. Life almost seemed perfect, or at least, as perfect as life could get. But most importantly, I had found my happiness. That was something that could never be taken away from me.

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