why it mattered

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why it mattered.

five;why it mattered

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WHY IT MATTERED when he said he loved me was because in that moment, I completely let go of the control I had over my life. For years and years, for as long as I could remember, I had a tight hold on each aspect of who I was, what I did, and what my future held. I saw things so clearly, believing that everything was falling into place and would turn out the way I expected them. I didn't let anything into my life that made me feel uneasy or that I couldn't predict.

Peter Parker had somehow effortlessly reached into my life, laid a finger on the steering wheel, and spun it out of control. Little did I know that I was bound to crash.

The first pieces were the fluttery feelings he gave me. His smile caused tingles to run up my spine. His words made me feel all jittery inside. His touch sent my mind twirling into a whirlwind of ecstasy and adrenaline that left me craving more each and every time. It was something so foreign to me, something I'd never experienced before. It was scary to think that someone had such an effect on me.

Another predicament was how I never knew what was coming next. I never knew what new emotions he would evoke in me, what new adventures each day would bring us; how much sleep I would lose over thinking about him every night, how long our phone conversations would last, how many times he would cross my mind each day. Everything was unpredictable. Usually, the unknown would make me nervous, causing me to run away in fear and never look back. But with him, I looked towards the unknown with fresh eyes and an open heart. I learned that the best things in life came unexpectedly.

The final problem with loving Peter Parker was how much I found myself relying on him. I didn't mean for it to happen; I had always been independent. But my soul had connected itself to his in a beautifully twisted way, an unraveling the strands of what was woven together would cause me to shatter. He was the only one that could bring a smile to my face without trying, or affect my emotions with every little action unintentionally. He meant the whole world, the planets, the moon and the stars, to me. I never wanted to let go, and I was terrified of losing him.

All of these things together was just enough to paint a beautiful yet tragic tale, and I now found myself nearing the end of it.

But the middle of the chapters were unforgettable. The way our stories intertwined with each other created a life worth living; life was worth living if it was with him. I finally learned there was a reason I was here, and it was to love, and to be loved. To not just conquer my fears, but to invite them, relish in them, and be completely lavished in what they brought me.

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