Chapter 20: Home At Last

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                                                                         Rated R Scene Included


>Nathan’s POV<

            “Hey wake up, we are almost here.” Colin said, waking me up. I looked up seeing, his solid, crystal blue eyes. I soon put myself back in my seat, seeing the thousands of trees pass by. Soon Colin pulled his car into the driveway, and there was everyone, standing there waiting for me. My heart sunk in fear and worry, but I bet my family and parents were a lot more worried than I was. Colin turned the car off and opened his door. He ran around and opened my door.

            Slowly he slipped his hands around my body and lifted me out of the car. He carried me, and all of a sudden I was surrounded by my family, with millions of questions flying at me. Colin put me down and my mom embraced me, squeezing me so hard that I felt like my organs were going to burst out like toothpaste. She then grasped my face, and tears falling from her eyes and said to me, “Don’t your ever do that to me again.”

 I felt a tear stray from my eye and then I hugged her back tightly and whispered in her ear, “I’m sorry mom.” I then looked at her face and planted a kiss on my mother’s cheek and then said, “I love you mom.” She rubbed her eyes and then gave a big smile to me. My brother then hugged me the same way that my mom did. “Nathan! You’re back!” I looked back, seeing Nicole running towards me.

>Nicole’s POV<

            “Nathan! You’re back!” I screamed. Nathan looked around, and his eyes widened as I started to sprint toward him. I jumped him, hugging him tightly, with my legs wrapped around his waist. Then I screamed, “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! DON’T DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!” Then strong arms grasped on to me on the waist, making me scream, causing me to feel like I was falling. But then I looked up, and I saw Nick’s beautiful face. “Hey babe. Why couldn’t you do that to me?” He cooed. I smirked at him and kissed his neck and then pecked his lips.

Then I responded, “Nathan just returned. That's why I did it. I missed my friend.” Nick smiled and then sighed, “Okay.” Then I looked back, and saw everyone was walking back into Nathan’s house. Then I looked at Nick and we both sprinted to the door. Before Colin could close the door, Nick yelled, “Yo! Hold the door open Colin!” He looked back and held the door open for us. We quickly rushed in the house, where everyone was gathered inside of the dining room.

            Everyone gathered around Nathan, trying to hear Nathan’s explanation for his disappearance. “Why would you leave us like that? You worried us that you have gone rogue.” Nathan’s mom said. He sighed and answered, “My new powers, I didn’t think they would sudden take control during school. All those looks I got from people. They were looks of horror. I couldn’t face their looks. I didn’t want to hurt anyone but in the process I did. I couldn’t control myself and that’s why I had to leave.” He was on the verge of tears and I quickly embraced him, letting him sob into my chest.

            Then the adults left, leaving just Nathan’s brothers and their mates. I slowly stroked his hair as he sobbed. I looked at everyone, who had all their eyes on Nathan. I can defiantly understand his pain. Having to be chased over his rare power, his vulnerability to any attacker when he is weak, and that him ruling over the wolf kingdom must make it hard to cope with.

>Charlotte’s POV<

            “I’ll be right back Charlotte. I have something planned. You and the girls keep him company while Colin, my brothers and I set up the surprise for his birthday. Hopefully it will cheer him up.” Mats whispered into my ear. I looked at him and nodded. Then Mats kissed my forehead and said, “Brothers, Colin. Let’s go. We need to discuss something. Will you girls please keep him company until we return?” They all stood up and as Colin was about to get up, Nathan pulled on Colin’s shirt asking, “Where are you going?”

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