Chapter 1

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Clarke was playing on her front yard when she saw a moving truck stoping at the front of the house next to hers. That house has been empty since she had use of the reason, so it was a surprise to her seeing that someone was finally going to live there. She noticed that, behind the truck, there was a little black car. So, she made 3 steps forward so she could see better the ones that, she supposed, were going to be her new neighbors; maybe even new friends. She got excited at the thought, she wasn't very popular at school and kids made fun of the braids her mom always makes in her hair. The sound of a car door opening made her come back to reality, she saw one boy and a little girl coming out of the car. The boy had freckles all over his face, black eyes, and black hair. The little girl looks exactly like him but, instead, had beautiful blue eyes. She got excited to see they were around her age, maybe the boy was a little older than her, but that didn't matter when she ran to them.

"Hi" she waved her hand in their faces. "I'm Clarke. Clarke Griffin. Your neighbor. And you are?" she asked, a little too excited. Everyone may think that, with that attitude, she would freak them out. But, on the contrary, it made them relax a little bit, knowing that someone took the time to reach them and say hi.

"I'm Bellamy." the boy answered, making her blush. She had never talked to a boy before, at least not one that didn't made fun of her because of her braids. "And this little demon is Octavia." he pointed his fingers in her direction, causing Octavia to roll her eyes. She smiled, they were funny.

"Do you want me to help you unpack things? I'm bored." she meant it. She had literally no friends, and it was summer, so she was all by herself every day, with nothing better to do than helping her new neighbors unpack their things.

"Oh, don't mind. We can take it." Bellamy answered.

"I mean it. I don't have anything better to do." she answered, almost desperately. He smiled.

"Okay. Come here, mom will see what you can do." she followed the two of them to the truck, where her mother was helping put the boxes out.

"Mom!" Octavia yelled. "Meet Clarke, our new friend." Clarke couldn't help to smile hearing that words, she never had a friend before. She looked up to their mom. She was beautiful, like her children. It almost make her nervous to say hi.

"Hi." she said, shyly. The woman was looking down to her, with a big smile on her face.

"Hello Clarke, nice to meet you. My name is Aurora." she offered her hand, and Clarke took it.

"Clarke wants to help us unpack our things." Bellamy told Aurora.

"You do?" she asked Clarke, smiling. "Well, here you go. Take this to the second floor, first room on the left." she told her. Clarke smiled and entered the house. It was beautiful, she always thought that it would be awful and scary, because no one lived there. But it wasn't awful. Not at all. She went upstairs and saw that, from the window of that room, you can see directly to her room.

"This one is mine" Bellamy said behind her, making her drop the little box she had on her hands. She blushed so bad. She couldn't believe that she already made a mistake, and may have ruined her only chance to finally have friends. She put herself on the knees to take the box and, without even noticing it, started crying. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her cheek and looked up to find Bellamy, wiping her tears. "Don't cry, it's just a box with clothes." He said, trying to calm her down.

"I-I'm so sorry. I really am. I was just surprised by you voice and-"

"You don't need to explain yourself, you only dropped a box, and didn't break anything." he gave her a little smile. He put his hand on his pocket and pulled out a package of paper tissues. "Here. Take this, I don't need them anyway."

"Thank you" she smiled. And, without even thinking, she said: "I like your freckles. They're cute" she blushed instantly, why did she say that?

"Thanks" he smiled. "I like your braids" he said as he took one of her braids. She was so happy that someone finally liked her braids, that she gave him a giant hug. At first, he was surprise, but then he laughed and hugged her back.

She finished the hug, and went close to the window. "So, this is your room then?" she changed the subject.

"Yes, do you like it?" he asked.

"Yes, I do." she answered smiling. "That window is mine, you know?" she told him. A smile grew on his face.

"We can talk whenever we want, then." he answered, and she was so happy that she finally had a friend.

"I guess so, yes." she said smiling. "By the way, how old are you?"

"I'm seven, but I turn 8 in a month. And I guess you're 6 like O?" he frowned.

"Yes" she answered.

"That's cool" he said. An awkward silence grew between them. They didn't know what to say to each other.

"Bellamy Blake! Come down here right now and help us get things done." Aurora yelled from downstairs, Bellamy opened his eyes wild and let a little 'oops' come out of his mouth.

"Sorry, duty calls." he walked to the door, but then he turned back. "I'll see you tomorrow, if you want to play with O and me." he smiled.

"I would love to" she answered. And then, he was gone.
She went to her house, sat on her bed, and then yelled to the pillow. She was so happy. She knew that, after today, she would never be alone again.

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