Chapter 5

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Bellamy was getting out of the car, finally coming back home after almost a month at his aunt's house, he had been reading all the books Clarke gave to him since he got into the car the morning after his birthday. Those weeks had been pretty hard for him, mostly because Mel kind of "broke up", whatever their relationship was, because she said that he didn't like her in the way that he likes Clarke. And of course he didn't — he thought — he liked Clarke as a friend. And, before hanging the phone, she added that he's the most naive person she had ever known. Also because he was so use to seeing Clarke every day, that it was pretty hard for him to get out to the balcony and seeing that she wasn't the one next door.
He wanted to see Clarke so badly, and Raven too, of course. But the first thing he did when he got out of the car was to enter his house and putting his books on the bookshelf. After that, he got out of his house and went to the Griffin's one. He heard screams coming from the backyard that, he supposed, were the girls meeting with Octavia, so he decided to go on that direction. While he was on his way, Clarke appears out of the blue, running to him, and gives him a hug, putting her arms around his neck. He smiled, put his arms around her waist pulling her closer, and got surprised at the touch of her naked skin, realizing she was probably wearing a bikini. He ignored that and buried his face on her neck. She smelled like coconut, he thought it may be because of her sun screen.

"Missed me?" Bellamy teased.

She pulled apart, but still close enough for him to smell the coconut sunscreen, with a big smile on her face. "Every day." she answered, and he grinned in response. Clarke looked back, and he couldn't help to use the opportunity to stare, a little... He's a guy, and then he's human. Very, very human. She was a little bit tanned, and was using a yellow bikini that looked amazing on her. And, damn, when did her body changed so much? Why did he never realize that before today? "We should go with them, got your swimsuit?" she said, making him jump, as he quickly moved his eyes in other direction.

"Yeah, sure." Bellamy shook his head, Clarke took his hand, and he let her lead him to the backyard.

Once there, he saw that Murphy, Emori, Miller, Jasper, Monty, Raven, a girl and a guy he doesn't know, were there too. He walked to Raven and gave her a little hug, and then gave a general greeting to the other ones.
He went to the kitchen, said hi to Jake, and served himself a glass of juice. He looked through the glass at Clarke, who was talking to the boy whose name he doesn't know. She was laughing and she looked so damn pretty.
He got out of the kitchen to the backyard again, glass of juice still on his hand. Monty reached Bellamy and introduced him to the girl he didn't know, her name was Harper, and she was, apparently, Monty's girlfriend. His eyes went, without he even noticing it, to Clarke's direction again, and the guy next to her. He was tall, and didn't have such a good body — he thought. But, was him Clarke's type? He knew Clarke was his type. Because Clarke is everybody's type. He took his shirt of, because it was hot, of course. It wasn't because he wanted to get Clarke's attention.

The minutes passed and Clarke kept talking to that guy. He decided to join them, and see what was so especial about him. When he reached them, he put his arm over Clarke's shoulder, protectively, and pull her closer to him. She looked up to him and smiled.

"Oh!" Clarke dropped. "Bellamy, this is Jackson. My mom is his tutor, he's studying medicine." she explained. So, he was older than her too, and studies medicine, that's a lot to compete with. He offered his hand and Bellamy shook it, with a serious face.

"Nice to meet you." he said, with a smile on his face. "It's nice to finally put a face to the name." he added.

Bellamy smirked, because now he knew Clarke talked about him. "Nice to meet you too." he answered.

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