Chapter 7

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"Please, be quiet. I'm begging you" Bellamy is on his knees, literally begging the little dog in front of him to shut up. How the hell did he fall so low? He had never imagine himself begging to a dog. But, despite of how hard he was trying, the dog wouldn't stop barking. "If she hears you, my plan is ruined. Do you understand? Please, I'm not asking much of you." He keeps begging and, finally, the dog stops barking. He leans forward to stroke the dog's back, with a little smile on his face. "Who's a good boy? You're a good boy" He says in the most stupid voice he had ever used.

"Wow, wish I could've filmed you and sent it to the whole school." Octavia says from behind. "You know, your reputation would be over."

A smile grows on Bellamy's face. "You know the only thing that video would cause is for girls to fall even more in love with me"

Octavia rolls her eyes. "As if you wanted all the girls falling to your knees."

He pretends to be thinking about what she said. "Well, I wouldn't complain... you know." He says, raising an eyebrow.

"Bellamy, you're gross!" Octavia says, pretending to be about to throw up. He just shrugs. "We both know that you only want one girl to fall for you." Octavia comments.

Bellamy frowns, confused. "No, I don't. I love having a bunch of girls dying to be with me, it's fun. As long as I don't hurt their feelings, you know. A touch and go."

Octavia rolls her eyes and sighs, exasperated. "You know what? Keep telling yourself that, I don't care." she raises her hands in surrender. "God, guys can be so stupid sometimes." she turns around to leave the guest's room.

Bellamy, still confused, stops her. "O, wait!" he says. Octavia looks at him over her shoulder. "Don't forget that Clarke can't come to the house, under no circumstance." He says. "Well, unless someone is trying to murder her. If that happens, she can come inside."

"I knooow." she growls. "You've said that to me a thousand times already. I'm not stupid, you know?" Octavia looks at him, complaining, eyebrow raised and arms crossed.

He sighs. "I know, O. I just want her to be truly surprised." He explains.

Octavia walks towards him and puts her hand on one of his shoulders. "She will be." Bellamy is still looking at that precious golden retriever. "She's going to love you for this." she keeps talking. "She already does. But, after this? Damn, the girl is going to love you more than ever." A little smile grows in Bellamy's face. "See what I mean?" Octavia asks.

Bellamy looks up at her, frowning. "What?" He asks, confused. He hates when people aren't straight to tell him something.

Octavia sighs, once again. "Okay, that's all. I quit." she says, walking to the door. "I hate guys. How can they be so stupid? If he could only open his damn eyes." Bellamy could still hear her complain in the hall, while she was going to her room. He couldn't help but laugh.

Today is Clarke's sixteen birthday and Bellamy has bought her a dog. He had been saving to buy her one, and begging Aurora to let him, since he was 15. He convinced Aurora by telling her that he was going to be the one taking care of the dog, and he meant it. The idea is that the dog is going to live in his house, since the Griffin's don't allow Clarke to have one, and they were both going to take care of him. And since Clarke basically lives at his house, the plan is perfect.
Clarke is going to be having a little reunion with her family and his, as every year. Such a simple plan, so perfect. She always says that the best way to celebrate a birthday is surrounded by the people you love, and he knows she's right. He knows because of how happy she is since she stopped celebrating with her schoolmates, after her tenth birthday. He will never forget the fear on her face when that girl, Echo, was about to punch her.

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