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You owned a farm, inherited by your parents, and although you didn't want it, you took it for their sake.

You decided to start up a therapy class, horse therapy.

You had four horses, and three of them were already trained for this.

The fourth was a white and majestic one, with a pink Nose, grey and black speckling its body in random areas.

But as it was pretty, it would buck and kick, and do anything to eat away from anyone and everyone, except you.

Your business started slow, until you were offered a large sum of money to start giving therapy to criminals.

You accepted it, of course, needing the money.

The criminals that came in, didn't do big of crimes, but if they did, they just needed help coping with what they did, and the thoughts that come to their head, so it didn't take long to get the rehabilitated.

But then there was a man, Jung Hoseok, who was your next client.

He was a murderer, killer, hitman, mafia leader, but yet he didn't know why he was what he was, or does what he does, but he was traumatized over it. He couldn't stand the sight of blood, yet he sheds it almost every day, but right after or during doing so, he'll break down, and his fits cause him to do more, in order to release his emotions.

And when he came in the first time, the first thing you had him do was spend time with the separate horses, to see which would work best with him, and surprisingly the white mare, accepted him.

What happens when you start to bond with this hoseok over each lesson?

What happens when you're only being by hoseok because you were paid?

What happens when he grows feelings for you?

What happens when hoseok finds out you never wanted to be close to him, due to his background? Will he have a breakdown?

What happens when you sell the farm and move somewhere else?

Will hoseok go after you?

Will you let him in?

What happens when you're the only one that can keep hoseok sane?

What happens when hoseok goes back to the person he once was? Will you go back to help him again?

Or will you keep your eyes focused on what you can see clearly, not on what creeps behind you, like a horse does?

What made you sell the farm in the first place?

Do you really know all to hoseok's backstory?

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