🐚Accident 🐚

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Members :
Taehyung Jungkook Jimin


The three were known as killers to the police, but were unnamed, because they didn't know it was them.

But to the women and men around them, they were irresistible good looking men, who could steal men's girlfriends and wives at one glance.

However, they were gay, but that was their secret.

During school, they play with the hearts of the women and teachers, to conceal their romance between the three of them.

However, they let their guard down one day, and they were caught cleaning blood off their hands in the bathroom, by the girl who was the daughter of the chief of police.

But she was there to tell them that one of them are the father of the baby growing in her belly.

They were forced to run from the town, afraid of being caught as killer homosexuals, and split from each other.

What happens when Taehyung goes missing one morning?

What happens when Jungkook and Jimin are forced to keep running, jumping town to town, to not be caught but also try and look for Tae?

What happens when they go back for their daughter once she's born?

What happens when it turns out taehyung was helping the police the whole time?

What happens when it turns out he was forced?

What happens when people learn their the killers that have murdering every day around town?

What happens when people hear of their daughter?

Will their love for each other prevail? Or will they split ways to protect themselves?

What happens when another gang consisting of three other men, Seokjin, Namjoon, and Yoongi, go after their daughter?

What happens when Jimin catches feelings for Yoongi?

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