Chapter 3 (edited) | FORGOTTEN

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"Unnie im going out for awhile" I told ji soo unnie while wearing my hoodie.

"Where are you going , wait , i dont care but bring spicy chicken feet home while you're at it" i chuckled upon hearing that. Typical jisoo unnie.

I decided to take the bus as i need to make sure our manager wont find out that i went to meet bambam.

While in the bus , memories from when we were in thailand came flooding into my mind.

I miss him so much. Why didnt he told me he were leaving? Why didnt he answered my calls? Would he be happy when he sees me? Obvly he would , right?

Without realising tears started to fall from my eyes , i quickly wiped it away and get off the bus as my stop has came.

Im starting to change my mind once im infront of the JYP building.

Should i?

After a good 5 minutes debating with myself , i decided to meet him and talk to him.

I can only hope he is still the same bambam before he came to korea.

Going inside the building , i saw got7 , twice and suzy sunbaenim banners hanged up against the wall.

I realised that i had no idea where to find him. This place is huge.

Luckily i saw him walking out from the elevator. I stopped on my tracks.

He looked so good in person. Now that i see him i realised how much ive missed him. How much i crave for his touch. His smell.

But he wasnt alone. Beside him was mina unnie and they werent just walking normally.

They were holding hands.

"Oh lisa , what are you doing here?" I stiffened upon hearing mina unnie angelic voice.

I was a statue at that moment. My eyes met bambam. He looked at me coldy as if he didnt recognize me. But he did , i didnt change much and obviously he wouldve known from the news.

"Mina , could you leave us alone for a moment?" Bambam asked mina while looking at me directly in the eyes.

Mina unnie looked at bambam weirdly.

"Alright..? I'll be waiting outside then"

We stared at eachother for a solid 1 minute until he broke the silence.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

I tensed , bambam was never the type to curse unless his mad or annoyed but right now i did nothing to make him annoyed or mad.

"What do you mean? Im here to see you" He laughed bitterly.

His making me scared.

"You are ridiculous , lalisa" he said while walking away. I tensed hearing him say my name after a long time. It sounded so good, it had always sounded good coming from his mouth.

"Ya bammie whats wrong with you?" I asked feeling the tears starting to fall.

He stopped walking "Don't you dare call me that again" and continued walking to the exit.

"Wait!" He stopped. I walked to him till i'm in front of him.

I took out my phone and dialed the number i dialed every single day for the past 3 years in front of him. His phone rang.

"so u didnt changed number than , did you not receive my calls?" i asked , hoping that he had a valid reason for not keeping in contact with me.

"I did get it , every single day. It was so annoying but i didn't answered because i didn't want to waste my time for someone like you"

"someone like me?"

"Yes someone like you manoban, someone that is selfish like you  is not worth my time" he said coldly.

I couldn't stop the tears that starts to fall after he walked away.

Authors note :

How was it? It would rly help me if you guys would comment on what i should improve on.

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