Chapter 9 | FORGOTTEN

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"lisa-ssi?" Jung kook sunbaenim asked with surprise. Shocked by the features of this man i stuttered. 

he knows who i am.

"jung-jung kkook sunbabaenim?" he chuckled and oh gosh that laugh. May i remind you that he was still holding my waist to stop me from falling.

After realising that he was still holding on to my waist , he quickly let go of me and i quickly scrambled on my two feet. 

"what are u doing here lisa-ssi?" flustered from the incident i replied "having lunch with my friends" while blushing like a red beet.

"ah i see th-"

"jungkook?" jung kook sunbaenim
got cut off as bambam came.

"bambam? wah daebak , what are you doing here?" jungkook said.

and soon i zoned out between their conversations.

"lisa ssi? lisa ssi?" i zoned out as i was repeatedly tapped on the shoulder.

"ah yes?"

"is it okay if i join you guys?" he questioned.

gosh , him joining us eat? i wont be able to focus on eating now.

"ah suree?"

he chuckled "you seem unsure"

blushing , i profusely shaked my head "ah no! i'm really okay with it!"

he laughed. again. i can die from his laughter right there and then.

"well? lead the way doll"

doll? kill me.

"ah f-follow me" i stuttered.  He must think im a weirdo now.

but all the way walking back to our booth , i could feel someone glaring daggers on my back but i knew who it was without turning because oh well who hates me that much right now? bambam.

and i was proven right when i slightly turned my head to look at those 2 insanely hot mens walking behind me.

Once we reached our booth , everyone greeted jung kook and exchanged hugs. yes all of them were good friends and i just got to know about it.

I went in the booth to get seated and bambam trailed behind me but to only be cut by jung kook who quickly slid into the booth and sat beside me.

Weirdly , bambam was glaring daggers at Jung kook sunbaenim. why?

Once we get settled in the booth , Jung kook sunbaenim was quick to start a conversation with me.

"Lisa , so how has idol life been treating you?"

"ah it's very overwhelming , i would never thought i would have this much fans in korea"

he chuckled "why is it a surprise? with a beauty like yours the whole world will be fan"

before i could reply bambam replied "ya , are you blind? a beauty like hers? don't make me laugh jungkook. I didnt know your standards in girls was this low." with a cold tone.

that hurt alright. i fought back the tears that was threatening to fall out. 

"bambam! whats wrong with you!" sorn exclaimed.

"what? i'm just saying the truth unnie"

I was too hurt by his words that i didnt realise tears had fall out and that Jung kook sunbaenim has been holding my hands the entire time. caressing it , to soothe me.

"excuse me" i quickly got out of the booth and went into the restroom.

"bambam , fix this." i could hear nickun's oppa voice as i was walking to the restroom.

as i walked into the restroom , i felt a someone pulled me by the waist and slammed me into the door of the restroom.

i looked into the eyes of the person who had insulted me just a minute ago with teary eyes of mine.

"what do you want" i had said it so weakly that his eyes softened.

what happened to the strong lisa?

"im sorry" he said it so softly that i could barely hear it.

"for what bambam? for leaving me? or for being a jerk?"

he sighed

"i dont know why im like this"

i laughed , the audacity.

"ever since we met in korea , you've been nothing but a jerk. you insulted me everytime we met and for what? to make yourself feel better?"

when he didnt replied , i continued.

"dont ever think you have the rights to do this because i turned you down because even after everything , i wasnt the one that left you to pursue our dreams."

and i guess i triggered him with my words because right after that , he slammed his lips on mine.

Author Note : hi its a very short chapter and im sorry :( ive been so busy with life trying to get my shits together that i genuinely forgot about this book. but here u go

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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