Chapter 7 | FORGOTTEN

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After that meeting i had with bambam i went to the bathroom to clean my face as i didn't want people to know that i just finished crying but my unnies know me better.

"Ya , did u just finished crying?" Chaeng asked while holding my shoulder.

"I dont want to talk about it now" Shrugging her hands off my shoulder

Jennie looked at me sighing then said "We're going to talk about it later for now let's practice for one last time then we head back to our dorm" We all nod xto that.

Back at the dorm

Once we're back at the dorm, i tried keyword tried to run off to my room so that i don't have to tell them what had happened 45 minutes ago.

"Spill" Jennie said while pulling me to seat down at the sofa in our living room.

So i told them everything that had happened. Even the confession part. Basically everything.

They all stared at me with their mouth wide open.

"That's alot to take in lisa-ya" ji soo said while shaking her head.

"I can't believe that bambam sunbaenim said all that to you" chaeng said , giving me a pity look.

Same chaeng same

"He wasn't like that last time, he was nice, caring and everything you want in a guy, i know nobody is perfect but he was" i said sighing.

"What are u planning to do now then?"

"Honestly chaeng? I have no idea but i'm probably going to try to get my bestfriend that i grew up with back" I replied.

Ji soo looked at me and asked "Are you planning to break..mina and bambam apart?"

That's something that i didnt think about. Should i be selfish and break them apart? 

"I will if i have to" i said determined.

Their eyes were wide "Lisa , do u even hear yourself? U sound like a psycho ex girlfriend!" Jennie scolded.

"I know! I know that i sound like a psycho ex girfriend but i love him! To the point that i would do anything for him unnie" I burst.

They gave me a pity look.

I've been getting a lot of those pity look this few days.

"His happier now lisa-ya , he moved on. If you are truly his friend that you would accept this outcome and just move on, it'll do both of you good" Ji soo said while squeezing my left shoulder.

I argued back "But his not happy! I saw the way he was looking at mina unnie and it looked as if it was force! I know bambam good enough to know if he is truly happy or not"

Jennie looked at me ridiculously "Why are you in such denial?"

I was speechless , why am i in denial?

"because it's easier to get through life like that"

They all look at me , annoyed. 

"ya pabo , now is not the time to get all tumblr and emo" jennie said scoldingly. 

i giggled "no? eehee"

"but really though , his not happy with her. When they walked out of the lift bambam looked as if he was forced to hold her annoyingly angelic hands - yes they look angelic , like so soft like i've never seen it before - oops sorry went out of topic" 

it really looked soft 

They all sighed "are u sure? if you're sure then we'll have your backs"

Jennie eyes widen "no , i'm not part of this , get me an evidence that this is some sort of fake or force relationship then i'll help" and she walked into her room.

but we needed Jennie , she was the best actor amongst us , yeah sure ji soo has acted before but she suck at lying and with the plan i have , it includes of lying. 

"can u stop smiling creepily like that? you're actually making me think that what ji soo unnie said about u watching porn is true" rose said with a disgusted face - ouch

"YAA!! You know that is not true" i said while tackling her down to the sofa


From a not so far distance we heard ji soo unnie screamed "NOOOO MY CHICKEN!!! LALISA MANOBAN! PARK CHAEYOUNG"

i looked at rose

"run? oh wow u ran off first - wait for me!" 


Author note :

Okay the last scene , i hope yall understand what im trying to say in that scene hehe , idk if u realise but my english isnt the best ffs , anyws heres anth update (i know its quite short)

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